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Track app crashes

This information helps you understand how crashes are tracked and the best practices to handle false crashes.

Tip: App crashes are tracked as part of lifecycle metrics. Before you can track crashes, add the library to your project and implement lifecycle. For more information, see Add the SDK and Config File to your IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse Project in Core implementation and lifecycle.

When lifecycle metrics are implemented, a call is made to Config.collectLifecycleData in the OnResume method of each activity. In the onPause method, a call is made to Config.pauseCollectingLifeCycleData.

In the pauseCollectingLifeCycleData, a flag is set to indicate a graceful exit. When the app is launched again or resumed, collectLifecycleData checks this flag. If the app did not exit successfully as determined by the flag status, an a.CrashEvent context data is sent with the next call and a crash event is reported.

To ensure accurate crash reporting, you must call pauseCollectingLifeCycleData in the onPause method of each activity. To understand why this is essential, here is an illustration of the Android activity lifecycle:

For more information about the Android activity lifecycle, see Activities.

This Android lifecycle illustration was created and shared by the Android Open Source Project and used according to terms in the Creative Commons 2.5 Attribution License.

What can cause a false crash to be reported?

  1. If you are debugging by using an IDE, such as Android Studio, and launching the app again from the IDE while the app is in the foreground causes a crash.

    Tip: You can avoid this crash by backgrounding the app before launching again from the IDE.

  2. If the last foreground Activity of your app is backgrounded and does not call Config.pauseCollectingLifecycleData(); in onPause, and your app is manually closed or killed by the OS, the next launch results in a crash.

How should Fragments be handled?

Fragments have application lifecycle events that are similar to Activities. However, a Fragment cannot be active without being attached to an Activity.

Important: You need to rely on the lifecycle events against which the containing activities can run your code. This will be handled by the parent view of the Fragment.

(Optional) Implement activity lifecycle callbacks

Starting with API Level 14, Android allows global lifecycle callbacks for activities. For more information, see Application.

You can use these callbacks to ensure that all of your Activities correctly call collectLifecycleData() and pauseCollectingLifecycleData(). You need to add this code only in your main Activity and any other Activity in which your app may be launched:

public class MainActivity extends Activity { 
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 
        getApplication().registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks() { 
            public void onActivityResumed(Activity activity) { 
            public void onActivityPaused(Activity activity) {     
            // the following methods aren't needed for our lifecycle purposes, but are required to be implemented 
            // by the ActivityLifecycleCallbacks object 
            public void onActivityCreated(Activity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState) {} 
            public void onActivityStarted(Activity activity) {} 
            public void onActivityStopped(Activity activity) {} 
            public void onActivitySaveInstanceState(Activity activity, Bundle outState) {} 
            public void onActivityDestroyed(Activity activity) {} 

To send additional context data with your lifecycle call by using Config.collectLifecycleData(Activity activity, Map<String, Object> contextData), you must override the onResume method for that Activity and ensure that you call super.onResume() after manually calling collectLifecycleData.

protected void onResume() { 
    HashMap<String, Object> cdata = new HashMap<>(); 
    cdata.put("someKey", "someValue"); 
    Config.collectLifecycleData(this, cdata); 