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File metadata and controls

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Stand-alone extension implementation

Starting with iOS 10, Apple allows you to create an extension called a stand-alone extension that can be distributed without a containing app. With this extension, you do not need an app group, as there is no containing app with which to share data.

Important: To use stand-alone extensions, you must have Mobile SDK version 4.13.0 or later.

Configure your stand-alone extension for use with the SDK

To configure your stand-alone extension:

  1. Ensure that the ADBMobileConfig.json file is a member of your extension's target.

  2. Link the following libraries and frameworks:

    • AdobeMobileLibrary_Extension.a
    • libsqlite3.tbd
    • SystemConfiguration.framework
  3. In the main view controller of your extension, set the extension type to ADBMobileAppExtensionTypeStandAlone in the SDK before completing any SDK-related activities.

    [ADBMobile setAppExtensionType:ADBMobileAppExtensionTypeStandAlone];
  4. Confirm that your app builds without unexpected errors.

Additional notes

Here is some additional information:

  • An additional context data value, a.RunMode has been added to indicate whether the data comes from your containing app or your extension:

    • a.RunMode = Application

      This value means that the hit came from the containing app.

    • a.RunMode = Extension

      This value means that the hit came from the extension.

  • No lifecycle call is triggered on iOS extension apps.