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File metadata and controls

99 lines (59 loc) · 4.54 KB

Geo-location and points of interest

Geo-location helps you measure location data by using latitude and longitude and predefined points of interest in your iOS apps.

Each trackLocation call sends the following:

  • Latitude, longitude, and location in a point of interest (POI) that is defined in Adobe Mobile services.

    This information is passed to mobile solution variables for automatic reporting.

  • Distance from center and accuracy passed as context data.

    These variables are not captured automatically. You must map these context data variables by using the instructions in Sending Additional Data section below.

Dynamic POI updates

Starting in version 4.2, POIs are defined in the Adobe Mobile interface and synchronized dynamically to the app configuration file. This synchronization requires an analytics.poi setting in the ADBMobile.json file:

"analytics.poi": "…/yourfile.json",

For more information, see ADBMobile JSON Config.

If this is not configured, an updated version of the ADBMobile.json file must be downloaded and added to your app. For more information and instructions, see Download the SDK and Testing Tools in Before you Start.

Track geo-locations and POIs

  1. Add the library to your project and implement lifecycle.

    For more information, see Add the SDK and Config File to your Project in Core Implementation and Lifecycle.

  2. Import the library:

    #import "ADBMobile.h"
  3. Call trackLocation to track the current location:

    CLLocation *currentLocation = location; 
    [ADBMobile trackLocation: currentLocation data: nil]; 

    Tip: You can call trackLocation at any time.

    To determine the location that is passed to the trackLocation call, use Getting the User’s Location.

Additionally, if the location is determined to be in a defined POI radius, an a.loc.poi context data variable is sent in with the trackLocation hit and is reported as a POI in Location reports. An a.loc.dist context variable is also sent with the distance in meters from the defined coordinates.

Send additional data

In addition to the location data, you can send additional context data with each track location call:

NSMutableDictionary *contextData = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; 
[contextData setObject:@"GPS" forKey:@"myapp.location.LocationSource"]; 
[ADBMobile trackLocation: currentLocation data:contextData];

Context data values must be mapped to custom variables:

Location context data

The latitude and longitude are each sent using three different context data parameters, with each parameter representing a different level of precision, for a total of six context data parameters.

For example, the coordinates lat = 40.93231, lon = -111.93152 represent a location with 1 m precision. This location is split according to the level of precision across the following variables:

  • 040.9
  • = 32
  • = 31
  • a.loc.lon.a = -111.9
  • a.loc.lon.b = 31
  • a.loc.lon.c = 52

Some precision levels might appear as "00" depending on the accuracy of the current location. For example, if the location is currently accurate to 100m, and a.loc.lon.c will be populated with "00".

Additional information

Remember the following information:

  • A trackLocation request sends in the equivalent of a trackAction call.

  • POIs are not passed as part of normal trackAction and trackState calls, so you must use a trackLocation call to track POIs.

  • trackLocation should be called as often as necessary to track location and POIs.

    We recommend calling trackLocation when the app starts and then as needed based on the requirements of the application.

  • POIs are populated only after they are defined in the app configuration file.

    They are not applied to historical trackLocation calls that were sent previously.

  • trackLocation calls support sending additional context data similar to trackAction calls.

  • When two POIs have overlapping diameters, the first POI that contains the current location is used.

    If your POIs overlap, you should list POIs in order of most granular to least granular to ensure that the most granular POI is reported.