See VideoCheckedOut Create and edit a connection for a demo video.


The maximum number of datasets you can add to a connection is capped at 100. The mix depends on which Customer Journey Analytics package your company has purchased.

Contact your administrator if you’re unsure which Customer Journey Analytics package you have.

Select packageFoundation package
Any combination of event/profile/lookup/summary datasets, adding up to 100One event dataset per connection
Up to 99 profile, lookup, or summary datasets per connection

Create and configure the connection

  1. In Customer Journey Analytics, select Connections from the main menu.

  2. Select Create new connection.

    Untitled connection settings

  3. Configure the connection settings.

    Connection nameEnter a unique name for the connection.
    Connection descriptionDescribe the purpose of this connection.

    Choose a sandbox in Experience Platform that contains the dataset/s to which you want to create a connection.

    Adobe Experience Platform provides sandboxes which partition a single Platform instance into separate virtual environments to help develop and evolve digital experience applications. You can think of sandboxes as “data silos” that contain datasets. Sandboxes are used to control access to datasets.

    Once you have selected the sandbox, the left rail shows all the datasets in that sandbox that you can pull from.

    Enable rolling data window

    This checkbox, if checked, lets you define Customer Journey Analytics data retention as a rolling window in months (1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and so on), at the connection level.

    Data retention is based on event dataset timestamps and applies to event datasets only. No rolling data window setting exists for profile or lookup datasets, since there are no applicable timestamps. However, if your connection includes any profile or lookup datasets (besides one or more event datasets), that data is retained for the same time period.

    The main benefit is that you store or report only on data that is applicable and useful and delete older data that is no longer useful. It helps you stay under your contract limits and reduces the risk of overage cost.

    If you leave the default (unchecked), the Adobe Experience Platform data retention setting supersedes the retention period. If you have 25 months’ worth of data in Experience Platform, Customer Journey Analytics gets 25 months of data through backfill. If you deleted 10 of those months in Platform, Customer Journey Analytics would retain the remaining 15 months.

    Add datasets (see below)Add datasets if no datasets appear in your dataset listing.
    Dataset name

    Select one or more datasets that you want to pull into Customer Journey Analytics and select Add.

    (If you have many datasets to choose from, you can search for the right one(s) using the Search datasets search bar above the list of datasets.)

    Last updatedFor event datasets only, this setting is automatically set to the default timestamp field from event-based schemas in Experience Platform. “N/A” means that this dataset contains no data.
    Number of recordsThe total records in the previous month for the dataset in Experience Platform.
    SchemaThe schema based on which the dataset was created in Adobe Experience Platform.
    Dataset typeFor each dataset that you added to this connection, Customer Journey Analytics automatically sets the dataset type based on the data coming in. There are 3 different dataset types: Event data, Profile data, and Lookup data. See the table below for an explanation of dataset types.
    GranularityThe granularity of the data in the dataset; only applicable for summary datasets.
    Data source typeThe data source type of the dataset. Not applicable for summary datasets.
    Person ID

    Select a Person ID from the drop-down list of available identities. These identities were defined in the dataset schema in the Experience Platform. See below for information on how to use Identity Map as a Person ID.

    IMPORTANT: If there are no Person IDs to choose from, that means one or more Person IDs have not been defined in the schema. View this video on how to define an identity in Experience Platform.

    KeyFor lookup datasets only (such as _id).
    Matching KeyFor lookup datasets only (such as _id).
    Import new dataSet to On or Off.
    Backfill data

    You can request to backfill the data in a dataset. For example, you can request to backfill the last 7 days worth of data. Configure the dataset correctly and test your connection. If everything looks good, you can backfill all the remaining data with ease.

    In addition, you can enable the import of new data by dataset.

    Backfill statusThis status indicates whether any backfill data is processing.