- Topics:
- Metrics
- User
- Admin
The ‘Instances’ metric shows the number of times a dimension was explicitly defined in an image request. Some dimensions, such as eVars, persist dimension items past the hit they are set on. This metric is useful when you want to see the number of times a dimension item was set without the hits where that value persisted.
How this metric is calculated
Out of all hits in a report suite, only include hits that explicitly set a dimension item in the image request. Some dimensions, such as eVars, persist beyond the hit they are set on. Metrics like Page views and Occurrences count both initial and persisted values. This metric does not count persisted values.
For example, a visitor arrives on your site and uses internal search. You track internal search in eVar1. After using internal search once, they visit five more pages before leaving.
If viewing a report in Workspace, you would see one eVar1 instance and six occurrences. One instance counts on the search results page, whereas the occurrences metric counts the initial value and subsequent persisted values.
Compare to similar metrics
- Instances vs. Occurrences: Instances do not include hits where a dimension item persists. Occurrences count hits where a dimension item was set or persisted.
- Instances vs. Page views: Instances include all hit types, including page view tracking calls (
), link tracking calls (tl()
), and data from summary Data sources. The page views metric only includes page view tracking calls, excluding link tracking calls and summary data sources.
- Analytics Components Guide
- Analytics Release Notes
- Dimensions
- Dimensions overview
- Dimension compatibility
- Activity Map Link
- Activity Map Link By Region
- Activity Map Page
- Activity Map Region
- Ad Platform Consent
- All search page rank
- Bot name
- Browser height
- Browser type
- Browser width
- Browser
- Campaigns
- Category
- Cities
- Color depth
- Connection type
- Consent management opt-in
- Consent management opt-out
- Cookie support
- Countries
- Custom link
- Customer loyalty
- Day of month
- Day of week
- Day of year
- Day
- Days before first purchase
- Days since last purchase
- Days since last visit
- Domain
- Download link
- Entry dimensions
- eVar
- eVar (Merchandising)
- Exit dimensions
- Exit link
- First touch channel
- First touch channel detail
- Hierarchy
- Hit depth
- Hit type
- Hour of day
- Hour
- Identified state
- Java enabled
- Language
- Last touch channel
- Last touch channel detail
- Marketing channel
- Marketing channel detail
- Minute
- Mobile lifecycle dimensions
- Mobile lookup dimensions
- Monitor resolution
- Month of year
- Month
- Operating system types
- Operating systems
- Original referring domain
- Page URL
- Page
- Pages not found
- Paid search
- Persistent cookie support
- Product
- Prop
- Quarter of year
- Quarter
- Referrer type
- Referrer
- Referring domain
- Regions
- Return frequency
- Search engine
- Search keyword
- Server
- Single page visits
- Site section
- Streaming media core dimensions
- Streaming media ads
- Streaming media chapters
- Streaming media quality
- Streaming media audio metadata
- Streaming media video metadata
- Time prior to event
- Time spent on page
- Time spent per visit
- Tracking code
- Tracking opt-out reason
- US states
- Voice dimensions
- Visit depth
- Visit number
- Week
- Weekday/Weekend
- Year
- Zip code
- Metrics
- Metrics overview
- Count repeat instances
- Average page depth
- Average page views per visit
- Average session length
- Average time on site
- Bot occurrences
- Bot page views
- Bounce rate
- Bounces
- Cart additions
- Cart removals
- Cart views
- Carts
- Checkouts
- Content velocity
- Custom events
- Entries
- Exits
- Identified People
- Instances
- Mobile lifecycle metrics
- Mobile views
- New engagements
- Occurrences
- Orders per visit
- Orders
- Page events
- Page views
- Pages not found
- People with Experience Cloud ID
- People
- Product views
- Reloads
- Revenue
- Searches
- Single access
- Single page visits
- Streaming media core metrics
- Streaming media ads
- Streaming media chapters
- Streaming media player state tracking
- Streaming media quality
- Streaming media video metadata
- Time spent per visit
- Time spent per visitor
- Time spent overview
- Total seconds spent
- Unidentified People
- Unique devices
- Unique visitors
- Units
- Voice metrics
- Visitors with Experience Cloud ID
- Visits
- Segmentation
- Calculated metrics
- Calculated and Advanced Calculated metrics
- How-to videos
- Calculated metrics workflow
- Calculated metrics workflow
- Find metrics
- Build metrics
- Build a “Page Views per Visits” metric
- Build an “Order Assists” metric
- Build a “Participation” metric
- Metric type and attribution
- Segmented metrics
- Stack and replace segments
- Filtered and weighted metrics
- Use functions
- Tag calculated metrics
- Filter calculated metrics
- Mark calculated metrics as favorites
- Approve calculated metrics
- Share calculated metrics
- Copy calculated metrics
- Calculated metrics manager
- Metrics reference
- Virtual report suites
- Cross-Device Analytics
- Alerts
- Classifications
- Locations
- Scheduled projects
- Scheduled reports queue
- Real-time reporting
- Marketing Channels