Create a data feed
- Topics:
- Data Feeds
- User
- Admin
When creating a data feed, you provide Adobe with:
- The information about the destination where you want raw data files to be sent
- The data you want to include in each file
Before you create a data feed, it’s important to have a basic understanding of data feeds and to ensure that you meet all prerequisites. For more information, see Data feeds overview.
Create and configure a data feed
Log in to using your Adobe ID credentials.
Select the 9-square icon in the upper-right, then select Analytics.
In the top navigation bar, go to Admin > Data feeds.
Select Add.
A page displays with three main categories: Feed information, Destination, and Data column definitions.
In the Feed Information section, complete the following fields:
FieldFunctionNameThe name of the data feed. Must be unique within the selected report suite, and can be up to 255 characters in length.Report suiteThe report suite that the data feed is based on. If multiple data feeds are created for the same report suite, they must have different column definitions. Only source report suites support data feeds; virtual report suites are not supported.Email when completeThe email address to be notified when a feed finishes processing. The email address must be properly formatted.Feed intervalSelect Daily for backfill or historical data. Daily feeds contain a full day’s worth of data, from midnight to midnight in the report suite’s time zone. Select Hourly for continuing data (Daily is also available for continuing feeds if you prefer). Hourly feeds contain a single hour’s worth of data.Delay processingWait a given amount of time before processing a data feed file. A delay can be useful to give mobile implementations an opportunity for offline devices to come online and send data. It can also be used to accommodate your organization’s server-side processes in managing previously processed files. In most cases, no delay is needed. A feed can be delayed by up to 120 minutes.Start & end datesThe start date indicates the date when you want the data feed to begin. To immediately begin processing data feeds for historical data, set this date to any date in the past when data is being collected. The start and end dates are based on the report suite’s time zone.Continuous feedThis checkbox removes the end date, allowing a feed to run indefinitely. When a feed finishes processing historical data, a feed waits for data to finish collecting for a given hour or day. Once the current hour or day concludes, processing begins after the specified delay. -
In the Destination section, in the Type drop-down menu, select the destination where you want the data to be sent.
Consider the following when configuring a report destination:-
We recommend using a cloud account for your report destination. Legacy FTP and SFTP accounts are available, but are not recommended.
Any cloud accounts that you previously configured are available to use for Data Feeds. You can configure cloud accounts in any of the following ways:
When configuring cloud accounts for Data Warehouse
When importing Adobe Analytics classification data (Any locations that are configured for importing classification data cannot be used.)
From the Locations manager, in Components > Locations
Cloud accounts are associated with your Adobe Analytics user account. Other users cannot use or view cloud accounts that you configure.
You can edit any locations that you create from the Locations manager in Components > Locations
Use any of the following destination types when creating a data feed. For configuration instructions, expand the destination type. (Additional legacy destinations are also available, but are not recommended.)
Amazon S3You can send feeds directly to Amazon S3 buckets. This destination type requires only your Amazon S3 account and the location (bucket).
Adobe Analytics uses cross-account authentication to upload files from Adobe Analytics to the specified location in your Amazon S3 instance.
To configure an Amazon S3 bucket as the destination for a data feed:
Begin creating a data feed as described in Create and configure a data feed.
In the Destination section, in the Type drop-down menu, select Amazon S3.
Select Select location.
The Amazon S3 Export Locations page is displayed.
(Conditional) If an Amazon S3 account (and a location on that account) has already been configured in Adobe Analytics, you can use it as your data feed destination:
Accounts are available to you only if you configured them or if they were shared with an organization you are a part of.-
Select the account from the Select account drop-down menu.
Any cloud accounts that were configured in any of the following areas of Adobe Analytics are available to use:
When importing Adobe Analytics classification data, as described in Schema.
However, any locations that are configured for importing classification data cannot be used. Instead, add a new destination as described below.
When configuring accounts and locations in the Locations area, as described in Configure cloud import and export accounts and Configure cloud import and export locations.
Select the location from the Select location drop-down menu.
Select Save > Save.
The destination is now configured to send data to the Amazon S3 location that you specified.
(Conditional) If you have not previously added an Amazon S3 account:
Select Add account, then specify the following information:
FieldFunctionAccount nameA name for the account. This can be any name you choose.Account descriptionA description for the account.Role ARNYou must provide a Role ARN (Amazon Resource Name) that Adobe can use to gain access to the Amazon S3 account. To do this, you create an IAM permission policy for the source account, attach the policy to a user, and then create a role for the destination account. For specific information, see this AWS documentation.User ARNThe User ARN (Amazon Resource Name) is provided by Adobe. You must attach this user to the policy you created. -
Select Add location, then specify the following information:
FieldFunctionNameA name for the account.DescriptionA description for the account.BucketThe bucket within your Amazon S3 account where you want Adobe Analytics data to be sent.
Ensure that the User ARN that was provided by Adobe has the
permission in order to upload files to this bucket. This permission allows the User ARN to upload initial files and overwrite files for subsequent uploads.Bucket names must meet specific naming rules. For example, they must be between 3 to 63 characters long, can consist only of lowercase letters, numbers, dots (.), and hyphens (-), and must begin and end with a letter or number. A complete list of naming rules are available in the AWS documentation.
PrefixThe folder within the bucket where you want to put the data. Specify a folder name, then add a backslash after the name to create the folder. For example,folder_name/
Select Create > Save.
The destination is now configured to send data to the Amazon S3 location that you specified.
(Conditional) If you need to manage the destination (account and location) that you just created, it is available in the Locations manager.
Azure RBACYou can send feeds directly to an Azure container by using RBAC authentication. This destination type requires an Application ID, Tenant ID, and Secret.
To configure an Azure RBAC account as the destination for a data feed:
If you haven’t already, create an Azure application that Adobe Analytics can use for authentication, then grant access permissions in access control (IAM).
For information, refer to the Microsoft Azure documentation about how to create an Azure Active Directory application.
In the Adobe Analytics admin console, in the Destination section, in the Type drop-down menu, select Azure RBAC.
Select Select location.
The Azure RBAC Export Locations page is displayed.
(Conditional) If an Azure RBAC account (and a location on that account) has already been configured in Adobe Analytics, you can use it as your data feed destination:
Accounts are available to you only if you configured them or if they were shared with an organization you are a part of.- Select the account from the Select account drop-down menu.
Any cloud accounts that you configured in any of the following areas of Adobe Analytics are available to use:
When importing Adobe Analytics classification data, as described in Schema.
However, any locations that are configured for importing classification data cannot be used. Instead, add a new destination as described below.
When configuring accounts and locations in the Locations area, as described in Configure cloud import and export accounts and Configure cloud import and export locations.
Select the location from the Select location drop-down menu.
Select Save > Save.
The destination is now configured to send data to the Azure RBAC location that you specified.
(Conditional) If you have not previously added an Azure RBAC account:
Select Add account, then specify the following information:
FieldFunctionAccount nameA name for the Azure RBAC account. This name displays in the Select account drop-down field and can be any name you choose.Account descriptionA description for the Azure RBAC account. This description displays in the Select account drop-down field and can be any name you choose.Application IDCopy this ID from the Azure application that you created. In Microsoft Azure, this information is located on the Overview tab within your application. For more information, see the Microsoft Azure documentation about how to register an application with the Microsoft identity platform.Tenant IDCopy this ID from the Azure application that you created. In Microsoft Azure, this information is located on the Overview tab within your application. For more information, see the Microsoft Azure documentation about how to register an application with the Microsoft identity platform.SecretCopy the secret from the Azure application that you created. In Microsoft Azure, this information is located on the Certificates & secrets tab within your application. For more information, see the Microsoft Azure documentation about how to register an application with the Microsoft identity platform. -
Select Add location, then specify the following information:
FieldFunctionNameA name for the location. This name displays in the Select location drop-down field and can be any name you choose.DescriptionA description for the location. This description displays in the Select location drop-down field and can be any name you choose.AccountThe Azure storage account.ContainerThe container within the account you specified where you want Adobe Analytics data to be sent. Ensure that you grant permissions to upload files to the Azure application that you created earlier.PrefixThe folder within the container where you want to put the data. Specify a folder name, then add a backslash after the name to create the folder. For example,
Make sure the Application ID that you specified when configuring the Azure RBAC account has been granted the
Storage Blob Data Contributor
role in order to access the container (folder).For more information, see Azure built-in roles.
Select Create > Save.
The destination is now configured to send data to the Azure RBAC location that you specified.
(Conditional) If you need to manage the destination (account and location) that you just created, it is available in the Locations manager.
Azure SASYou can send feeds directly to an Azure container by using SAS authentication. This destination type requires an Application ID, Tenant ID, Key vault URI, Key vault secret name, and secret.
To configure Azure SAS as the destination for a data feed:
If you haven’t already, create an Azure application that Adobe Analytics can use for authentication.
For information, refer to the Microsoft Azure documentation about how to create an Azure Active Directory application.
In the Adobe Analytics admin console, in the Destination section, select Azure SAS.
Select Select location.
The Azure SAS Export Locations page is displayed.
(Conditional) If an Azure SAS account (and a location on that account) has already been configured in Adobe Analytics, you can use it as your data feed destination:
Accounts are available to you only if you configured them or if they were shared with an organization you are a part of.-
Select the account from the Select account drop-down menu.
Any cloud accounts that you configured in any of the following areas of Adobe Analytics are available to use:
When importing Adobe Analytics classification data, as described in Schema.
However, any locations that are configured for importing classification data cannot be used. Instead, add a new destination as described below.
When configuring accounts and locations in the Locations area, as described in Configure cloud import and export accounts and Configure cloud import and export locations.
Select the location from the Select location drop-down menu.
Select Save > Save.
The destination is now configured to send data to the Azure SAS location that you specified.
(Conditional) If you have not previously added an Azure SAS account:
Select Add account, then specify the following information:
FieldFunctionAccount nameA name for the Azure SAS account. This name displays in the Select account drop-down field and can be any name you choose.Account descriptionA description for the Azure SAS account. This description displays in the Select account drop-down field and can be any name you choose.Application IDCopy this ID from the Azure application that you created. In Microsoft Azure, this information is located on the Overview tab within your application. For more information, see the Microsoft Azure documentation about how to register an application with the Microsoft identity platform.Tenant IDCopy this ID from the Azure application that you created. In Microsoft Azure, this information is located on the Overview tab within your application. For more information, see the Microsoft Azure documentation about how to register an application with the Microsoft identity platform.Key vault URIThe path to the SAS URI in Azure Key Vault. To configure Azure SAS, you need to store an SAS URI as a secret using Azure Key Vault. For information, see the Microsoft Azure documentation about how to set and retrieve a secret from Azure Key Vault.
After the key vault URI is created:
Add an access policy on the Key Vault in order to grant permission to the Azure application that you created.
For information, see the Microsoft Azure documentation about how to assign a Key Vault access policy.
If you want to grant an access role directly without creating an access policy, see the Microsoft Azure documentation about how to assign Azure roles using Azure portal. This adds the role assignment for the application ID to access the key vault URI.
Make sure the Application ID has been granted the
Key Vault Certificate User
built-in role in order to access the key vault URI.For more information, see Azure built-in roles.
Key vault secret nameThe secret name you created when adding the secret to Azure Key Vault. In Microsoft Azure, this information is located in the Key Vault you created, on the Key Vault settings pages. For information, see the Microsoft Azure documentation about how to set and retrieve a secret from Azure Key Vault.SecretCopy the secret from the Azure application that you created. In Microsoft Azure, this information is located on the Certificates & secrets tab within your application. For more information, see the Microsoft Azure documentation about how to register an application with the Microsoft identity platform. -
Select Add location, then specify the following information:
FieldFunctionNameA name for the location. This name displays in the Select location drop-down field and can be any name you choose.DescriptionA description for the location. This description displays in the Select location drop-down field and can be any name you choose.ContainerThe container within the account you specified where you want Adobe Analytics data to be sent.PrefixThe folder within the container where you want to put the data. Specify a folder name, then add a backslash after the name to create the folder. For example,
Make sure that the SAS URI store that you specified in the Key Vault secret name field when configuring the Azure SAS account has the
permission. This allows the SAS URI to create files in your Azure container.If you want the SAS URI to also overwrite files, make sure that the SAS URI store has the
permission.For more information, see Blob storage resources in the Azure Blob Storage documentation.
Select Create > Save.
The destination is now configured to send data to the Azure SAS location that you specified.
(Conditional) If you need to manage the destination (account and location) that you just created, it is available in the Locations manager.
Google Cloud PlatformYou can send feeds directly to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) buckets. This destination type requires only your GCP account name and the location (bucket) name.
Adobe Analytics uses cross-account authentication to upload files from Adobe Analytics to the specified location in your GCP instance.
To configure a GCP bucket as the destination for a data feed:
In the Adobe Analytics admin console, in the Destination section, select Google Cloud Platform.
Select Select location.
The GCP Export Locations page is displayed.
(Conditional) If a Google Cloud Platform account (and a location on that account) has already been configured in Adobe Analytics, you can use it as your data feed destination:
Accounts are available to you only if you configured them or if they were shared with an organization you are a part of.-
Select the account from the Select account drop-down menu.
Any cloud accounts that you configured in any of the following areas of Adobe Analytics are available to use:
When importing Adobe Analytics classification data, as described in Schema.
However, any locations that are configured for importing classification data cannot be used. Instead, add a new destination as described below.
When configuring accounts and locations in the Locations area, as described in Configure cloud import and export accounts and Configure cloud import and export locations.
Select the location from the Select location drop-down menu.
Select Save > Save.
The destination is now configured to send data to the Google Cloud Platform location that you specified.
(Conditional) If you have not previously added a GCP account:
Select Add account, then specify the following information:
FieldFunctionAccount nameA name for the account. This can be any name you choose.Account descriptionA description for the account.Project IDYour Google Cloud project ID. See the Google Cloud documentation about getting a project ID. -
Select Add location, then specify the following information:
FieldFunctionPrincipalThe Principal is provided by Adobe. You must grant permission to receive feeds to this principal.NameA name for the account.DescriptionA description for the account.BucketThe bucket within your GCP account where you want Adobe Analytics data to be sent.
Ensure that you have granted either of the following permissions to the Principal provided by Adobe: (For information about granting permissions, see Add a principal to a bucket-level policy in the Google Cloud documentation.)
: Use this permission if you want to limit the Principal to only create files in your GCP account.
Important: If you use this permission with scheduled reporting, you must use a unique file name for each new scheduled export. Otherwise, the report generation will fail because the Principal does not have access to overwrite existing files.- (Recommended)
: Use this permission if you want the Principal to have access to view, list, update, and delete files in your GCP account.
This permission allows the Principal to overwrite existing files for subsequent uploads, without the need to auto-generate unique file names for each new scheduled export.
If your organization is using Organization policy constraints to allow only the Google Cloud Platform account in your allow list, you need the following Adobe-owned Google Cloud Platform organization ID:
PrefixThe folder within the bucket where you want to put the data. Specify a folder name, then add a backslash after the name to create the folder. For example,folder_name/
Select Create > Save.
The destination is now configured to send data to the GCP location that you specified.
(Conditional) If you need to manage the destination (account and location) that you just created, it is available in the Locations manager.
In the Data Column Definitions section, select the latest All Adobe Columns template in the dropdown, then complete the following fields:
FieldFunctionRemove escaped charactersWhen collecting data, some characters (such as newlines) can cause issues. Check this box if you would like these characters removed from feed files.Compression formatThe type of compression used. Gzip outputs files in.tar.gz
format. Zip outputs files
format.Packaging typeSelect Multiple files for most data feeds. This option paginates your data into uncompressed 2GB chunks. (If the Multiple files option is selected and uncompressed data for the reporting window is less than 2GB, one file is sent.) Selecting Single file outputs thehit_data.tsv
file in a single, potentially massive file.ManifestDetermines whether Adobe should deliver a manifest file to the destination when no data is collected for a feed interval. If you select Manifest File, you receive a manifest file similar to the following when no data is collected:
Datafeed-Manifest-Version: 1.0
Lookup-Files: 0
Data-Files: 0
Total-Records: 0
Column templatesWhen creating many data feeds, Adobe recommends creating a column template. Selecting a column template automatically includes the specified columns in the template. Adobe also provides several templates by default.Available columnsAll available data columns in Adobe Analytics. Click Add all to include all columns in a data feed.Included columnsThe columns to include in a data feed. Click Remove all to remove all columns from a data feed.Download CSVDownloads a CSV file containing all included columns. -
Select Save in the top-right.
Historical data processing begins immediately. When data finishes processing for a day, the file is sent to the destination that you configured.
For information about how to access the data feed and to get a better understanding of its contents, see Data feed contents - overview.
Legacy destinations
The following information provides configuration information for each of the legacy destinations:
Data feed data can be delivered to an Adobe or customer-hosted FTP location. Requires an FTP host, username, and password. Use the path field to place feed files in a folder. Folders must already exist; feeds throw an error if the specified path does not exist.
Use the following information when completing the available fields:
- Host: Enter the desired FTP destination URL. For example,
. - Path: Can be left blank
- Username: Enter the username to log in to the FTP site.
- Password and confirm password: Enter the password to log in to the FTP site.
SFTP support for data feeds is available. Requires an SFTP host, username, and the destination site to contain a valid RSA or DSA public key. You can download the appropriate public key when creating the feed.
You can send feeds directly to Amazon S3 buckets. This destination type requires a Bucket name, an Access Key ID, and a Secret Key. See Amazon S3 bucket naming requirements within the Amazon S3 docs for more information.
The user you provide for uploading data feeds must have the following permissions:
For each upload to an Amazon S3 bucket, Analytics adds the bucket owner to the BucketOwnerFullControl ACL, regardless of whether the bucket has a policy that requires it. For more information, see “What is the BucketOwnerFullControl setting for Amazon S3 data feeds?”
The following 16 standard AWS regions are supported (using the appropriate signature algorithm where necessary):
- us-east-2
- us-east-1
- us-west-1
- us-west-2
- ap-south-1
- ap-northeast-2
- ap-southeast-1
- ap-southeast-2
- ap-northeast-1
- ca-central-1
- eu-central-1
- eu-west-1
- eu-west-2
- eu-west-3
- eu-north-1
- sa-east-1
Azure Blob
Data feeds support Azure Blob destinations. Requires a container, account, and a key. Amazon automatically encrypts the data at rest. When you download the data, it gets decrypted automatically. See Create a storage account within the Microsoft Azure docs for more information.