See VideoCheckedOut Configuring variables for a demo video.

Order of operations

AppMeasurement libraries published by Adobe Analytics follow a specific order when sending data to Adobe. If you execute these tasks out of order, data can be incomplete.

  1. If your site uses a data layer, make sure all applicable variables are populated first. For example, you populate with the page title. See Data layer for more information.
  2. Use the data layer to populate Analytics variables.
    If you use tags in Adobe Experience Platform, this task is accomplished by using data elements in between. Data elements are populated with values from the data layer. For example data element Page Title gets the value from data layer variable
    Then you can use the data element to populate Analytics variables. For example eVar4 gets the value from data element Page Title.
    See for more information Data elements, Map data layer objects to data elements, and Map tag data elements to Analytics variables
  3. Finally, call the tracking function. Most AppMeasurement libraries use the t() method, however some mobile SDK’s use track(). When the tracking function is called, all supported variables defined in the Analytics object are sent to Adobe in the form of an image request.

Illegal characters

The following characters and strings are never allowed in JavaScript variables.

  • Tab (0x09)
  • Carriage return (0x0D)
  • Newline (0x0A)
  • HTML tags (e.g. <b></b> or &#153)

Some variables have additional limitations or syntax requirements. For example, the products variable reserves semicolons and commas to delimit separate products and categories.