Use Data Explorer to search for used and unused key/value pairs in AAM using-data-explorer-to-search-for-used-and-unused-key-value-pairs-in-aam

In day-to-day work in Audience Manager, you might need to quickly find out if a trait has been created from a specific key/value pair. This video shows you how to find out with Data Explorer.

In order to find out if a signal has been created into a trait, you no longer have to download a BAAAM file and also the Unused Signals report. Now you can simply search for that key/value pair in Data Explorer, AKA the Signals App, in AAM, and find key/value pairs that are in traits and those that aren’t, all in the same list. Great time saver!

For more information about Data Explorer, visit Data Explorer - Overview, Benefits, and Use Cases).
