Documentation Updates 2016 documentation-updates

A list of new and revised Audience Manager documentation released in 2016. Includes minor updates or changes to the Audience Manager guide that might not be included in the Experience Cloud release notes.

December, 2016 dec-16

Understanding TraitWeight
Documented an extra step in the algorithmic discovery process. This step explains the evolution of algorithmic traits over several data processing cycles.
Data Sampling and Error Rates in Selected Audience Manager Reports...
Revised to include new information and for clarity and style.
Traffic DIL in Google Tag Manager (GTM)
After a Google update in May 2016, you can load DIL code in the custom HTML section of a tag. You no longer have to host the code remotely.
Data Collection and Product Integration FAQ
Includes a new entry about white-listing Audience Manager IP and FTP addresses.
Privacy and Data Retention FAQ
Updated and revised the original doc to include privacy content.
CSV Files for Overlap Reports
You can request a .csv file for an Overlap Report when that report reaches its 1-million record limit. Files are available for segment-to-segment, segment-to-trait, and trait-to-trait overlap reports.
Documentation that describes a new DIL method that lets you send data to Audience Manager from Google's Universal Analytics.

November, 2016 nov-16

Visitor Authentication States in Audience Manager
Audience Manager handles the visitor ID authentication statuses UNKNOWN and LOGGED_OUT in the same way. The document provides more information on how we handle setCustomerID event calls.
CID Replaces DPID and DPUUID
You can now use Customer ID integration codes for mobile identifier data sources. Use the DSID_20914 CID_IC for Android devices and DSID_20915 CID_IC for iOS devices.
Index of IDs in Audience Manager
Refer to this document for a complete list of Audience Manager IDs.
Audience Lab FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the Audience Lab feature.
Date Ranges in Addressable Audiences and Destinations
New content that describes how time intervals work for Addressable Audiences and Destinations.
Addressable Audience Metrics
Updated descriptions for new and revised report metrics.
Destinations Home Page
New content that describes features on the Destinations landing page.

October, 2016 oct-16

OAuth 2.0 Integration for Real-Time Outbound Transfers
Added the capability of securing your real-time outbound data transfer through the OAuth 2.0 protocol. Contact your Adobe Audience Manager consultant to get started.
Algorithmic Models
Changed title to Algorithmic Models from Models.
What Happens After a Provider Deactivates My Data Feed
Fixed incorrect header names provided in the deactivation email attachment.
Declared ID Variables
Fixed broken link to ID service documentation.
Import DCM Data Files Into Audience Manager
Added note to remind customers to check their file format with their DCM account manager.
Revised to note that GA.init() does not work with the latest version of Google's analytics code, analytics.js.
Amazon S3: About
Added encryption-at-rest for batch outbound data transfers.
Profile Merge Rule Options Defined

This feature has been deprecated.

Revised to include more information about the Adobe Experience Cloud Device Co-op.

September, 2016 sept-16

Privacy FAQ
Modified the demdex cookie's and the partner cookie's time-to-live (TTL) value to 180 days to comply with French CNIL regulations.
Cookies used in the Experience Cloud
Modified the demdex cookie's and the partner cookie's time-to-live (TTL) value to 180 days to comply with French CNIL regulations.
Understanding the Data Integration Library (DIL)
A general overview of the Data Information Library (DIL).
Inbound Data File Contents: Syntax, Invalid Characters, Variables, and Examples
Updated the invalid characters list in trait IDs for inbound data files.
Addressable Audiences
Minor revisions and reorganized content.
Time Zones in Audience Manager
Audience Manager uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) across its entire UI.
API Code Migration
Added links to Segment Test Group APIs & Data Feed Request API.

August, 2016 aug-16

Audience Lab
Create mutually exclusive test segments in Segment Test Groups to compare and measure effectiveness of different destinations.
DCS Error Codes, Messages, and Examples
Added new customer-facing error codes to the index.
Digitally Signed HTTP Requests
A document explaining why and how to encrypt server-to-server HTTP requests.
Device Targeting With Platform-level Keys
Added a downloadable list of the most common device keys, according to Device Atlas measurements.
DCS Error Codes, Messages, and Examples
Added new customer-facing error codes to the index.
Control how DIL makes data collection calls with HTTP or HTTPS.
Updated content that explains why DIL uses GET and POST methods to send data in an event call.
Real-Time Outbound Data Transfers
Updated with additional requirements and information.

July, 2016 july-16

Onboarding Status Report: About
Revised documentation for the UI redesign.
Getting Started With Bulk Management
A new bulk management template, v0.4.2 is available for download.
Audience Optimization Reports
Updated the Audience Optimizationreports with Cross Channel Conversion, Role-Based Access Control, Conversion Groups, and the Reported Conversion Traits report.
Cross Channel Conversion
The Cross Channel Conversion option in the Audience Optimization reports allows you to attribute offline conversions to served online impressions or clicks.
Reported Conversion Traits
This report shows you all the traits labeled as conversion traits for a conversion group at a certain date.
Geotargeting With Platform-level Keys
Updated the keys list with the latest values.
Device Targeting With Platform-level Keys
A new document which describes the common platform-level key-value pairs you can use to target users with device-related variables across all properties in your Audience Manager account.

June, 2016 june-16

Server-Side Forwarding
Removed from Audience Manager documentation in September, 2017. Moved to Analytics documentation.
Capturing Campaign Impression Data via Pixel Calls
Updated to include passing mobile IDs with d_cid.
Beta Environment
Updated the DCS, UI and API hostnames.
Updated the Beta environment hostname.

April, 2016 apr-16

Experience Cloud Visitor ID Versions
Revised text for IDs 1 and 2.
Profile Merge Rules Dashboard
Revised to show new Merge Rule cards on the dashboard.
Profile Merge Rule Options Defined
Revised to include new report metrics.
Report Metrics for Profile Merge Rules
New documentation defines the report metrics and graphs for Profile Merge.
Audience Manager Segments in Analytics
Share Audience Manager segments with Analytics in real-time.
Revisions introduce significant changes to the content and organization of the Destination docs. These changes are designed to reduce complexity and make the cookie and URL destination workflows more clear.

March, 2016 march-16

Working with Comparison Operators in TraitBuilder
Added a new named operator, Matcheswords. It let's you specify a matching word patters without using a regular expression.

February, 2016 feb-16

Deactivate a Subscriber's Data Feed
Describes how Audience Marketplace data providers deactivate a subscriber's feed.
What Happens After a Provider Deactivates My Data Feed
Describes what an Audience Marketplace data buyer can expect if a provider revokes access to a data feed.
DCS Error Codes, Messages, and Examples
Added error 172 for blocked cookies.
Name and Content Requirements for ID Synchronization Files
Revised content to improve clarity. New section about how the file names and file content IDs map to each other.
Amazon S3 Name Requirements for Inbound Data Files
Revised content to include syntax for Android and iOS codes in the file names.
FTP Name Requirements for Inbound Data Files

January, 2016 jan-16

OAuth Authentication
Added link for authorized and implicit authentication.
Send Segments to a Google AdWords Remarketing List
Instructions on how to send segment data to a Google AdWords remarketing list.
Visitor Profile Viewer
Added a note that says access to this feature requires admin permissions.
DIL create
Revised text for declaredId. Customer IDs must be passed in as un-encoded values only. Encoding IDs will create double-encoded identifiers.
Making Server-to-Server DCS API Calls
Revised text to include the d_mid variable.
Supported Attributes for DCS API Calls
Capturing Campaign Impression Data via Pixel Calls
Added new key and macro entries for d_mid and d_region.
Data Files for Audience Optimization Reports
Added new description for Event Type.
Understanding the Data Provider Billing Report
New documentation that lists and defines the items in an Audience Marketplace billing report.
Trait and Segment Size Data in Segment Builder
Updated text to describe the differences between 30-day totals for traits and segments.
Understanding the Plan Details Page in Audience Marketplace
New documentation that describes the plan information shown in a buyer's subscription details page.