Use Cases

To help you better understand how and when you could use Predictive Audiences, here are a few use cases that Audience Manager customers can solve by using this feature.

Use Case #1

As a marketer in an e-commerce company, I want to classify all my web and mobile visitors into various brand affinity categories, so that I can personalize their user experience.

Use Case #2

As a marketer in a media company, I want to classify my unauthenticated web and mobile visitors by favorite genres, so that I can suggest to them personalized content across all channels.

Use Case #3

As an advertiser for an airline company, I want to make sure I classify my audience based on their interest in travel destinations, so that I can advertise to them in real time, within a short retargeting window.

Use Case #4

As an advertiser, I want to classify my first-party audience in real time, so that I can react quickly to trending news.

Use Case #5

As a marketer, I want to predict which customer journey phase my website visitors are in, such as discovery, engagement, purchase or retention, so that I can target them accordingly.

Use Case #6

As a media company, I want to categorize my audience, so that I can sell my advertising space at premium pricing, while offering my visitors relevant ads.

How Predictive Audiences Models Work

When you create a Predictive Audiences model, you go through three steps:

  1. First, you select a minimum of two traits or two segments that will define your personas.
  2. Then, you choose a trait or segment that defines the target audience that you want to classify.
  3. Finally, you choose a name for the model, a data source that will store the predictive segments, and a Profile Merge Rule for the model.