Understanding Calls to the Demdex Domain understanding-calls-to-the-demdex-domain

Audience Manager and the Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service make calls to and receive data from the demdex.net domain. This may seem like Adobe is working with an unusual third-party domain, but this is not the case. This section describes the elements in a demdex.net call.

Call Element
This is a legacy domain controlled by Adobe. It reflects the original, pre-acquisition name of Audience Manager (Demdex). Adobe acquired Demdex in 2011 and re-branded the company as Audience Manager. It is difficult to change this domain because it is entwined deeply with Audience Manager, the Adobe Experience Cloud ID Service, and our installed user base. You may see other prefixes attached to legacy demdex.net calls (e.g., dcs.demdex.net, fast.demdex.net, etc.). Regardless of the prefix, a call to something.demdex.net is always a call to Adobe and not to some unknown or suspicious third-party domain.

DPM is an abbreviation for Data Provider Match. It tells internal, Adobe systems that a call from Audience Manager or the Adobe Experience Cloud ID Service is passing in customer data for synchronization or requesting an ID. This is the most common demdex.net call you’ll see from Audience Manager or the Adobe Experience Cloud ID Service.

DPM call basics:

Note: Adobe Experience Cloud ID Service customers can change the DPM prefix in the domain name. See audienceManager Server and audienceManagerServerSecure.
