Get started with Control Panel control-panel

For Campaign v7, deployment restrictions apply. Learn more

Control Panel allows Adobe Campaign administrators to monitor key assets and perform administrative tasks, such as managing the SFTP storage by instance, managing GPG keys, or subdomains and certificates.

This article explains how to access the Control Panel and what the prerequisites are to be able to work with the control panel.

Accessing Control Panel

To access the Control Panel, go to Experience Cloud Home:


Before you get started, complete the following prerequisites:

Confirm IMS Org ID

The following video describes where you can look up your instance’s IMS org ID.

Start by going to
Sign in with your email address and the password, either Adobe ID or the enterprise ID.
When you land on Experience Cloud home, check that your org is correct and on the bottom you’ll see our IMS org ID.

Administrator Rights

Administrator rights are required to access to the Control Panel.
The following video explains how to add an administrator to a Campaign instance

Navigate to
Sign in with your email address and either, the Adobe ID or the enterprise ID, whichever you have been set up with.
On Experience Cloud home on the top ribbon, click on Administration, Admin Console.
And in the new screen, select Adobe Campaign instance you would like to add access to.
Find administrator product profile.
Add user.
Enter email address of the user that you would like to provide an access to for the control panel. For example, I’m entering
And her first name and last name, those are optional. Click save, you are all set. Now, you can add additional users for this same instance or add Jane to another instance of Adobe Campaign that you have.

Learn more about managing permissions.

See the Control Panel Help Center for additional resources.
