Create a filter creating-a-filter

The filters available in Adobe Campaign are defined via filtering conditions which are created using the same operating mode as queries.

For more on creating filters, refer to this section.

The Administration > Configuration > Predefined filters node contains all the filters used in the lists and overviews.

For example, the list of operators can be filtered by Active accounts:

The matching filter contains the query on the Account disabled value of the Operators schema:

For the same list, the By login or label filter lets you filter the data on the list based on the value entered in the filter field:

It is built as follows:

To match the filtering conditions, the operator account must check one of the following conditions:

  • Its label contains the characters entered in the input field,
  • The operator name contains the characters entered in the input field,
  • The content of the description area contains the characters entered in the input field.
The Upper function lets you deactivate the case-sensitive function.

The Taken into account if column lets you define the application criteria for these filtering conditions. Here, the $( characters represent the content of the input field linked to the filter:

Here, $(‘agency’

The $(!=‘’ expression applies each condition when the input field isn’t empty.
