[Also applies to v8]{class="badge positive" title="Also applies to Campaign v8"}

Seed addresses seed-addresses

If the recipient table is a custom table, additional configurations are required. The nms:seedMember schema must be extended. An additional tab is added to the seed addresses for defining the adequate fields, as shown below:

For more on using seed addresses, refer this section.

Implementation implementation

The nms:seedMember schema and the linked form which come out-of-the-box are meant to be extended for customer configuration, to reference all necessary fields. The schema definition contains comments detailing its configuration mode.

Definition of the recipients table extended schema:

<srcSchema label="Person" name="person" namespace="cus">
  <element autopk="true" label="Person" name="person">
      <attribute label="LastName" name="lastname" type="string"/>
      <attribute label="FirstName" name="firstname" type="string"/>
    <element label="Address" name="address">
      <attribute label="Email" name="addrEnv" type="string"/>
    <attribute label="Code Offer" name="codeOffer" type="string"/>

Apply the following steps:

  1. Create an extension of the nms:seedMember schema. For more on this, refer to this section.

  2. In this new extension, add a new element at the root of seedMember with the following parameters:

    code language-none

    This element must contain the fields required to export the campaigns. These fields should have the same name as the corresponding fields in the external schema. For example, if the schema is cus:person , the nms:seedMember schema should be extended as follows:

    code language-none
      <srcSchema extendedSchema="nms:seedMember" label="Seed addresses" labelSingular="Seed address" name="seedMember" namespace="cus">
      <element name="common">
        <element name="custom_cus_person">
          <attribute name="lastname" template="cus:person:person/@lastname"/>
          <attribute name="firstname" template="cus:person:person/@firstname"/>
          <attribute name="email" sqlname="myEmailField" template="cus:person:person/address/@addrEnv" xml="false"/>
      <element name="seedMember">
       <element aggregate="cus:seedMember:common"/>
    note note
    The extension of the nms:seedMember schema must comply with the structures of a campaign and a delivery in Adobe Campaign.
    note important
    • During the extension, you must specify an SQL name (@sqlname) for the ‘email’ field. The SQL name must differ from the ‘sEmail’ that is reserved for the recipient schema.

      • You must update the database structure with the schema created when extending nms:seedMember.
      • In the nms:seedMember extension, the field containing the email address must have name=“email” as an attribute. The SQL name must be different from ‘sEmail’ which is already used for the recipient schema. This attribute must be immediately declared under the <element name="custom_cus_person" /> element.
  3. Modify the seedMember form accordingly to define a new “Internal recipient” tab in the Seed addresses window. For more on this, refer to this page.

    code language-none
    <container colcount="2" label="Internal recipient" name="internal"
        <input colspan="2" editable="true" nolabel="true" type="treeEdit">
          <container label="Recipient (cus:person)">
            <input xpath="@last name"/>
            <input xpath="@first name"/>
            <input xpath="@email"/>

If all attributes of the seed address aren’t entered, Adobe Campaign automatically substitutes the profiles: they will be entered automatically during personalization using data from an existing profile.
