
The systems that are compatible depend on the selected authentication mechanism. The following is a compatibility matrix of operating systems and LDAP servers.

OpenLDAPActive Directory
md5Windows, LinuxLinux
TLSLinuxWindows, Linux
NTLM & DPAWindows
plain textWindows, LinuxWindows, Linux

Distinguished Name calculation

If you wish to compute the Distinguished Name (DN) identifiers, the next step of the deployment wizard lets you configure the calculation mode.

  • Specify the unique identifier of the user in the directory (Distinguished Name - DN) in the Distinguished Name field.

    (login) will be replaced with the identifier of the Adobe Campaign operator.

    The dc setting must be in lowercase.
  • Select the option Enable synchronization of user rights from authorizations and groups in the directory in order to synchronize the group and user associations in the LDAP directory and the group and user associations in Adobe Campaign.

    When you select this option, the Application level DN used for the search and Password of the application login are enabled.

    If you populate these two fields, Adobe Campaign will connect to the LDAP server with its own login and password. If they are empty, Adobe Campaign will connect to the server anonymously.

Searching for identifiers

If you choose to search for an identifier, the deployment wizard lets you configure the search.

  • In the Application level DN used for the search and Password of the application login fields, provide the identifier and password with which Adobe Campaign will connect to search for the identifier. If they are empty, Adobe Campaign will connect to the server anonymously.

  • Specify the Base identifier and Search scope fields in order to determine a subset of the LDAP directory to start the search from.

    Select the required mode in the drop-down list:

    1. Recursive (default mode).

      The LDAP directory is searched in full, starting from a given level.

    2. Limited to the base.

      All attributes are included in the search.

    3. Limited to the first sub-level of the base.

      The search is performed on all attributes of the directory and starting from the first level of the attribute.

  • The Filter field enables you to specify an element to refine the scope of the search.

Configuring LDAP authorizations

This window is displayed when you select the Enable synchronization of user rights from authorizations and groups in the directory option.

You must specify several parameters in order to find the group or groups to which the user belongs and their corresponding rights, i.e.:

  • the Database identifier field,

  • the Search scope field,

    If you have chosen to search for the DN, you can select Reuse the DN search parameters in order to carry over the selected values for the DN and search scope from the previous screen.
  • the Rights search filter field, based on the login and the user’s distinguished name,

  • the Attribute containing the group or authorization name field concerning the user,

  • the Association mask field enabling the extraction of the group name in Adobe Campaign and its associated rights. You can use regular expressions to search for the name.

  • Select Enable the connection of users declared in the LDAP directory if the operator is not declared in Adobe Campaign so that the user is automatically granted access rights on connection.

Click Save to finish configuring the instance.

Managing operators

Once you have confirmed the configuration, you must define which Adobe Campaign operators are managed via the LDAP directory.

To use the LDAP directory to authenticate an operator, edit the corresponding profile and click the Edit the access parameters link. Select the Use LDAP for authentication option: The Password field is grayed out for this operator.

Use cases

This section provides a few simple use cases to help you achieve the most appropriate configurations based on your needs.

  1. A user has been created in the LDAP directory but not in Adobe Campaign.

    Adobe Campaign can be configured so that the user accesses the platform via their LDAP authentication. Adobe Campaign needs to be able to control the validity of the ID/password combination in the LDAP directory, so that the operator can be created on-the-fly in Adobe Campaign. To do this, check the Enable the connection of users declared in the LDAP directory if the operator is not declared in Adobe Campaign option. In this case, group synchronization also needs to be configured: the Enable synchronization of user rights from authorizations and groups in the directory option needs to be selected.

  2. The user has been created in Adobe Campaign but not in the LDAP directory.

    They won’t be able to log on to Adobe Campaign.

  3. There is a group in the LDAP directory which does not exist in Adobe Campaign.

    This group will not be created in Adobe Campaign. You need to create the group and synchronize the groups to enable a match-up via the Enable synchronization of user rights from authorizations and groups in the directory option.

  4. Groups exist in Adobe Campaign and the LDAP directory is activated after the event: user groups in Adobe Campaign aren’t automatically replaced with the content of LDAP groups. Likewise, if a group only exists in Adobe Campaign, no LDAP users may be added to it until the group has been created and synchronized in LDAP.

    Groups are never created on the fly, whether by Adobe Campaign or by LDAP. They need to be created individually, both in Adobe Campaign and in the LDAP directory.

    The names of groups in the LDAP directory need to coincide with the names of Adobe Campaign groups. Their association mask is defined in the last configuration stage of the deployment wizard: Adobe Campaign_(.*), for instance.
