List of Campaign Classic options
- Topics:
- Installation
- Application Settings
The Administration / Platform / Options node allows you to configure Adobe Campaign options. Some of them are built-in when installing Campaign, and others can be added manually when needed. Available options vary according to the packages installed with your instance.
Options not listed in this page are internal only and must not be modified.
Modifying or updating Adobe Campaign options can be performed by experts users only.
Option name | Description |
Deliverability_LastBroadLogMsgDate | Date of the last broadLogMsg retrieved from the deliverability instance. |
Deliverability_LastBroadLogMsgSent | Date of the last broadLogMsg sent to the deliverability instance. |
DmRendering_cuid | Delivery reports identifier. Please contact support to obtain your identifier. |
DmRendering_SeedTargets | List of schemas for which you want to use test addresses for Inbox Rendering. (element names are separated with commas) E.g.: custom_nms_recipient. |
EMTA_BCC_ADDRESS | BCC email address to which the Enhanced MTA will send a raw copy of the sent emails. |
NMS_ActivateOwnerConfirmation |
Lets you allow the operator in charge of the delivery to confirm the send, if a specific operator or group of operators is designated for starting a delivery in the delivery's properties. To do this, activate the option by entering "1" as the value. To deactivate this option, enter "0". The send confirmation process will then function as default: only the operator or group of operators designated for the send in the delivery properties (or an administrator) will be able to confirm and carry out the send. See this section. |
Nms_DefaultRcpSchema | Adobe Campaign uses a "Nms_DefaultRcpSchema" global variable to dialog with the default recipient database (nms:recipient). The option value must correspond to the name of the schema which matches the external recipient table. |
NmsBilling_MainActionThreshold | Minimum number of recipients in order for a delivery to be considered as the main one in the billing report. |
NmsBroadcast_DefaultProvider | Default routing service provider for the new templates. |
NmsBroadcast_LogsPerTransac | Minimal batch size (number of rows) for the insertion of broadLogs during a delivery preparation. |
NmsBroadcast_MaxDelayPerTransac | Batch duration threshold (number of milliseconds) under which the batch size for the insertion of broadLogs is doubled during a delivery preparation. |
NmsBroadcast_MidAnalyzeBatchSize | Grouping size of delivery parts when analyzing mid-sourcing deliveries. |
NmsBroadcast_MsgValidityDuration | Default delivery period for a delivery (in seconds). |
NmsBroadcast_RegexRules | Regular expressions for normalizing delivery messages. |
NmsBroadcast_RemoveBlackList | Entering "1" as the value lets you exclude recipients who no longer wish to be contacted. |
NmsBroadcast_RemoveDuplicatesRecipients | Entering "1" as the value lets you automatically ignore doubles. |
NmsDelivery_ErrorAddressMasks | Lets you define the syntax of the Error address used when replying to a message. |
NmsDelivery_FromAddressMasks | Lets you define the syntax of the From address used when sending a message. |
NmsDelivery_ImageServerTimeout | Lets you define a timeout limit (in seconds) for getting a response from the server when retrieving an image downloaded from a personalized URL and attached to an email. If this value is exceeded, the message cannot be sent. The default value is 60 seconds. |
NmsDelivery_MaxDownloadedImageSize | Lets you define the maximum size (in bytes) allowed for an image downloaded from a personalized URL and attached to an email. The default value is 100,000 bytes (100 KB). When sending a proof and downloading the image(s) to process the email, if the size of an image exceeds this value or if there is a downloading issue, an error will be displayed in the Delivery logs and the proof delivery will fail. |
NmsDelivery_MaxRecommendedAttachments | Lets you set a maximum number of attachments in an email or transactional email template. If this value is exceeded, a warning will be displayed in the delivery analysis logs or when publishing the transactional email template. The default value is 1 attachment. |
NmsDelivery_MaxRetry | Maximum number of retries during analysis. |
NmsDelivery_PublishingScript | Publication script. |
NmsDelivery_NoCountBroadLogMsgPush | Disable the broadLogMsg count for push messages. |
NmsDeliveryWizard_ShowDeliveryWeight | Display the message weight in the delivery assistant. |
NmsEmail_DefaultErrorAddr | Default 'error' email address at instance's level used for email delivery if left empty by user. |
NmsEmail_DefaultFromAddr | Default 'from' email address at instance's level used for email delivery if left empty by user. |
NmsEmail_DefaultReplyToAddr | Default 'reply-to' email address at instance's level used for email delivery if left empty by user. |
NmsEmail_ExpOrganization | Common name of the customer. Used in some warning messages displayed to the recipients. "You are receiving this message because you have been in contact with `Organization` or an affiliated company. To no longer receive messages from `Organization` |
NmsEmail_FromName | Default 'from' email label at instance's level used for email delivery if left empty by user. |
NmsEmail_ReplyToName | Default 'reply-to' email label at instance's level used for email delivery if left empty by user. |
NmsEmail_RetryCount | Period between two retries of an email message (in seconds). |
NmsEmail_RetryPeriod | Period of retries for email messages. |
NmsForecast_MsgWeightFormula | Formula used to calculate the weighting of a message for a provisional delivery. |
NmsInmail_AllowlistEmails | List of authorized forwarding email addresses (from the inbound mail processing module). The addresses have to be separated by commas (or * to allow all). E.g., |
NmsLine_AESKey | AES key used in the 'lineImage' servlet to encode the URLs (LINE channel). |
NmsNPAI_EmailMaxError | On channel "email"(use as default) : Maximal number of errors that is accepted, for SOFT errors during sending before putting the recipient into quarantine. |
NmsNPAI_EmailSignificantErrorDelay | On channel "email"(use as default) : Minimal period to spent since the previous referenced SOFT error, before taking into account a new SOFT error. |
NmsNPAI_MobileMaxError | On channel "mobile" : Maximal number of errors that is accepted, for SOFT errors during sending before putting the recipient into quarantine. |
NmsNPAI_MobileSignificantErrorDelay | On channel "mobile" : Minimal period to spent since the previous referenced SOFT error, before taking into account a new SOFT error. |
NmsMidSourcing_LogsPeriodHour | Allows a maximum period (expressed in hours) to be specified as to limit the number of broadlogs recovered every time the synchronization workflow is executed.. |
NmsMidSourcing_PrepareFlow | Maximum number of calls in MidSourcing session, which can be run in parallel (3 by default). |
NmsMTA_Alert_Delay | Custom delay (in minutes) after which a delivery is considered as 'delayed', default being 30 minutes. |
NmsOperation_DeliveryPreparationWindow |
This option is used by the operationMgt technical workflow when counting the number of running deliveries. It allows you to define the number of days above which deliveries with inconsistent status will be excluded from the count of running deliveries. By default, the value is set to "7", meaning that inconsistent deliveries older than 7 days will be excluded. |
NmsPaper_SenderLine1 | Line 1 of the sender's address. |
NmsPaper_SenderLine3 | Line 3 of the sender's address. |
NmsPaper_SenderLine4 | Line 4 of the sender's address. |
NmsPaper_SenderLine6 | Line 6 of the sender's address. |
NmsPaper_SenderLine7 | Line 7 of the sender's address. |
NmsServer_MirrorPageUrl | URL of the mirror page server (by default, should be identical to NmsTracking_ServerUrl). It is the default value of email deliveries when the URL is not specified in the routing definition. |
NmsSMS_Priority | Parameters of sent SMS messages: information transmitted to the SMS gateway to indicate the message priority. |
NmsSMS_RetryCount | Number of retries when sending SMS messages. |
NmsSMS_RetryPeriod | Period during which retries of SMS messages will be performed. |
NmsUserAgentStats_LastConsolidation | Last consolidation date for NmsUserAgent statistics. |
NmsWebSegments_LastStates | Name of the option which contains the web segments and their states. |
XtkBarcode_SpecialChar | Enable/disable support for special characters for Code128. |
XtkEmail_Characters | Valid characters for an email address. |
XtkSecurity_Restrict_EditXML | Add this option with the "0" value to disable the edition of deliveries' XML code (right-click / Edit XML source or CTRL + F4 shortcut). |
Option name | Description |
NcmRessourcesDir | Location of resources for publication in the Adobe Campaign client console. See this section. |
NcmRessourcesDirPreview | Location of resources for previewing in the Adobe Campaign client console. See this section. |
NmsDelivery_DefaultIgnoredImage | List of URL masks for the images skipped during upload. |
NmsDelivery_ImagePublishing | Configuration of image uploading. The values can be none / tracking / script / list (can be overridden by operator's optional settings). |
NmsDelivery_ImageSubDirectory | Folder in which the images on the server are to be stored. |
NmsServer_LogoPath | Space to display logos. |
NcmPublishingDir | Root folder for publications. For more on HTML and Text contents generation, refer to this section. |
XtkImageUrl | Lets you define the server on which the images used in the deliveries are stored to enable the browser to get them. For build versions <= 5098, we use the URL of the images that were uploaded onto the instance. For build versions > 5098, we use instead the delivery's public URL or the XtkFileRes_Public_URL option's URL. |
NmsDelivery_MediaInstance | Lets you configure the instance name for image uploading. |
NmsDelivery_MediaPassword | Lets you configure the password for image uploading. |
NmsDelivery_MediaServers | Lets you configure the media URL(s) for image uploading. |
NmsBroadcast_MsgWebValidityDuration | Default validity duration for online resources of a delivery (in seconds). |
XtkFileRes_Public_URL | New URL for public resource files. |
Campaign & workflow management
Message Center
JavaScript library to be personalized for enriching events. Must contain the implementation of these two functions:
enrichRtEvents(aiEventId); : enriches and saves events in the database (where aiEventId corresponds to the table of real time events processed).
enrichBatchEvents(aiEventId); : enriches and saves events in the database (where aiEventId corresponds to the ID table of batch events processed).
JavaScript library to be personalized for routing events. Must contain the implementation of these two functions:
dispatchRtEvent(iEventId); : returns the internal name of the transactional message selected to process the real time event (where iEventId corresponds to the ID of the real time event processed).
dispatchBatchEvent(iEventId); : returns the internal name of the transactional message selected to process the batch event (where iEventId corresponds to the ID of the batch event processed).
Lets you define the delay after which broadlog are erased from the database.
This option is automatically created once the delay is modified within the interface. If you modify the value from the options list, it should be expressed in seconds.
Lets you define the delay after which the event history is erased from the database.
This option is automatically created once the delay is modified within the interface. If you modify the value from the options list, it should be expressed in seconds.
Lets you define the delay after which events are erased from the database.
This option is automatically created once the delay is modified within the interface. If you modify the value from the options list, it should be expressed in seconds.
Lets you define the delay after which the event statistics are erased from the database.
This option is automatically created once the delay is modified within the interface. If you modify the value from the options list, it should be expressed in seconds.
Lets you define the delay after which propositions are erased from the database.
This option is automatically created once the delay is modified within the interface. If you modify the value from the options list, it should be expressed in seconds.
Lets you define the delay after which the quarantines are erased from the database.
This option is automatically created once the delay is modified within the interface. If you modify the value from the options list, it should be expressed in seconds.
Lets you define the delay after which recycled deliveries are erased from the database.
This option is automatically created once the delay is modified within the interface. If you modify the value from the options list, it should be expressed in seconds.
Lets you define the delay after which rejects are erased from the database.
This option is automatically created once the delay is modified within the interface. If you modify the value from the options list, it should be expressed in seconds.
Lets you define the delay after which tracking logs are erased from the database.
This option is automatically created once the delay is modified within the interface. If you modify the value from the options list, it should be expressed in seconds.
Lets you define the delay after which tracking statistics is erased from the database.
This option is automatically created once the delay is modified within the interface. If you modify the value from the options list, it should be expressed in seconds.
Lets you define the delay after which visitors are erased from the database.
This option is automatically created once the delay is modified within the interface. If you modify the value from the options list, it should be expressed in seconds.
Lets you define the delay after which workflow results is erased from the database.
This option is automatically created once the delay is modified within the interface. If you modify the value from the options list, it should be expressed in seconds.
Lets you affect Unconditional Stop behavior on all the workflows and PostgreSQL database queries according to the following potential values:
0 – default: stops workflow process, no impact on the database
1 - pg_cancel_backend: stops workflow process and cancels query in the database
2 – pg_terminate_backend: stops workflow process and terminates query in the database
See Creating and configuring the database.
See Creating and configuring the database.
See Creating and configuring the database.
See Creating and configuring the database.
During migration, the tree structure is automatically reorganized based on the new version standards.
This option allows you to disable the automatic migration of the navigation tree. If you use it, after migration you will have to delete obsolete folders, add the new folders and run all necessary checks.
Data type: Integer
Value (text) : 1
This option should only be used if the out-of-the-box navigation tree has undergone too many changes.
{Build number}:{mode: pre/post/...}:{The 'lessThan'/'greaterOrEquelThan' where error occurred + sub-step}
This option is used when importing data from a third-party system through a CRM connector. Enabling the option lets you collect only objects modified since the last import. This option has to be manually created and populated as below:
Internal name : LASTIMPORT_<%=instance.internalName%>_<%=activityName%>
Value (field) : date of the last import, with the yyyy/MM/dd hh
ss format.
See this section.
See this section.