Migrate a Microsoft Windows platform to Campaign v7 migrating-in-windows-for-adobe-campaign

For a Microsoft Windows environment, the migration steps are as follows:

  1. Stop all services - Learn more.
  2. Back up your database - Learn more.
  3. Migrate the platform - Learn more.
  4. Migrate the redirection server (IIS) - Learn more.
  5. Re-start service - Learn more.
  6. Delete and clean previous Adobe Campaign version - Learn more.

Service stop service-stop

First, stop all processes with access to the database on all machines concerned.

  1. All servers using the redirection module (webmdl service) must be stopped. For IIS, run the following command:

    code language-none
    iisreset /stop
  2. The mta module and its child modules (mtachild) must be stopped using the following commands:

    code language-none
    nlserver stop mta@<instance name>
    nlserver stop mtachild@<instance name>
  3. Stop Adobe Campaign services on all servers. Log in with administrator rights and run the following command:

    code language-none
    net stop nlserver6
  4. For each server, make sure Adobe Campaign services are properly stopped. Log in with administrator rights and run the following command:

    code language-none
    tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq nlserver*"

    The list of active processes along with their ID (PID) is displayed.

    code language-none
    Image Name                     PID Session Name        Session#    Mem Usage
    ========================= ======== ================ =========== ============
    nlserver.exe                  3192 Console                    1     13,108 K
  5. If one or more Adobe Campaign processes are still active or blocked after a few minutes, kill them. Log in with administrator rights and run the following command:

    code language-none
    taskkill /IM nlserver* /T
  6. If some processes are still active after a few minutes, you can force them to close using the command:

    code language-none
    taskkill /F /IM nlserver* /T

Back up your Campaign database back-up-the-database

Here is the procedure to backup Adobe Campaign v6.1.

  1. Make a backup of the Adobe Campaign database.

  2. Make a backup of the Adobe Campaign v6 directory using the following command:

    code language-none
    ren "Adobe Campaign v6" "Adobe Campaign v6.back"
    note important
    As a precaution, we recommend that you zip the Adobe Campaign v6.back folder and save it elsewhere in a safe location other than the server.
  3. In the windows service management console, disable the automatic startup of the 6.11 application server service. You can also use the following command:

    code language-none
    sc config nlserver6 start= disabled

Deploy Adobe Campaign v7 deploying-adobe-campaign-v7

Deploying Adobe Campaign involves two stages:

  • Installing build v7: this operation must be performed on each server.
  • The post upgrade: this command must be started on each instance.

To deploy Adobe Campaign, apply the following steps:

  1. Install the most recent Adobe Campaign v7 build by running the setup.exe installation file. For more on installing the Adobe Campaign server in Windows, refer to this section.

    note note
    Adobe Campaign v7 is installed by default in the C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Campaign v7 directory.
  2. To make the client console installation program available, copy the setup-client-7.0.XXXX.exe file into the Adobe Campaign installation directory: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Campaign v7\datakit\nl\eng\jsp.

    note note
    For more on installing Adobe Campaign in Windows, refer to this section.
  3. Start the instance for the first use with the following commands:

    code language-none
    net start nlserver6-v7
    net stop nlserver6-v7
    note note
    These commands let you create the Adobe Campaign v7 internal file system: conf directory (with the config-default.xml and serverConf.xml files), var directory, etc.
  4. Copy and paste (overwrite) the configuration files and sub-folders of each instance via the Neolane v5.back, Neolane v6.back or Adobe Campaign v6.back backup file (depending on the version you are migrating from - see this section).

  5. According to the version you are migrating from, execute the following commands:

    code language-none
    copy "Neolane v5.back"/conf/config-<instance name>.xml "Adobe Campaign v7"/conf/
    copy "Neolane v5.back"/customers/* "Adobe Campaign v7"/customers/
    copy "Neolane v5.back"/var/* "Adobe Campaign v7"/var/
    code language-none
    copy "Neolane v6.back"/conf/config-<instance name>.xml "Adobe Campaign v7"/conf/
    copy "Neolane v6.back"/customers/* "Adobe Campaign v7"/customers/
    copy "Neolane v6.back"/var/* "Adobe Campaign v7"/var/
    code language-none
    copy "Adobe Campaign v6.back"/conf/config-<instance name>.xml "Adobe Campaign v7"/conf/
    copy "Adobe Campaign v6.back"/customers/* "Adobe Campaign v7"/customers/
    copy "Adobe Campaign v6.back"/var/* "Adobe Campaign v7"/var/
    note important
    For the first command above, do not copy the config-default.xml file.
  6. In the serverConf.xml and config-default.xml files of Adobe Campaign v7, apply the specific configurations that you had in Adobe Campaign previous version. For the serverConf.xml file, use the Neolane v5/conf/serverConf.xml.diff, Neolane v6/conf/serverConf.xml.diff or Adobe Campaign v6/conf/serverConf.xml.diff file.

    note note
    When reporting configurations from Adobe Campaign previous version to Adobe Campaign v7, make sure the paths to the physical directories lead to Adobe Campaign v7 (and not Neolane v5, Neolane v6 or Adobe Campaign v6).
  7. Reload the Adobe Campaign v7 configuration using the following command:

    code language-none
    nlserver config -reload
  8. Start the postupgrade process using the following command:

    code language-none
    nlserver config -postupgrade -instance:<instance name>
Do not start Adobe Campaign services yet: some changes need to be made on IIS.

Migrate the redirection server migrating-the-redirection-server--iis-

At this stage, the IIS server must be stopped. Refer to Service stop.

  1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager console.

  2. Change the bindings (listen ports) of the site used for Adobe Campaign previous version:

    • Right-click the site used for Adobe Campaign previous version and select Edit bindings.

    • For each type of listen port (http and/or https), select the appropriate line and click Edit.

    • Enter a different port. By default, the listen port is 80 for http and 443 for https. Check that the new port is available.

      note note
      If your IIS server includes several websites for Adobe Campaign with an advanced configuration (shared port and different IP addresses), please contact your administrator.
  3. Create a new website for Adobe Campaign v7:

    • Right-click the Sites folder and select Add Web Site….

    • Enter the name of the site, Adobe Campaign v7 for instance.

    • The access path to the website’s basic directory is not used, but the Physical access path field must be entered. Enter the default IIS access path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot.

    • Click the Connect as… as button and make sure the Application user option is selected.

    • You can leave the default values in the IP address and Port fields. If you want to use other values, make sure the IP address and/or port are available.

    • Check the Start Web site immediately box.

  4. Execute the iis_neolane_setup.vbs script to automatically configure the resources used by the Adobe Campaign server on the virtual directory previously created.

    • This file is found in the [Adobe Campaign v7]\conf directory, where [Adobe Campaign v7] is the access path to the Adobe Campaign installation directory. The command for executing the script is as follows (for administrators):

      code language-none
      cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Campaign\Adobe Campaign v7\conf
      cscript iis_neolane_setup.vbs
    • Click OK to confirm script execution.

    • Enter the number of the website previously created for Adobe Campaign v7 and click OK.

    • A confirmation message should come up:

    • In the Content view tab, make sure the Website configuration is correctly configured with Adobe Campaign resources:

      note note
      If the tree structure is not displayed, re-start the IIS.
      The following IIS configuration steps are detailed in this section.

Re-start services re-starting-the-services

Start IIS and Adobe Campaign services on each of the following servers:

  1. Tracking and redirection server.
  2. Mid-sourcing server.
  3. Marketing server.

Before going on to the next step, run a full test of the new installation, make sure there are no regressions and that everything works.

Delete the previous version deleting-and-cleansing-adobe-campaign-previous-version

Here is the procedure to delete Adobe Campaign v6.1.

Before you delete and cleanse the Adobe Campaign v6 installation, you must apply the following recommendations:

  • Get the functional teams to run a full check of the new installation.
  • Only uninstall Adobe Campaign v6 once you are certain that no rollback is necessary.
  1. In IIS, delete the Adobe Campaign v6 website, then the Adobe Campaign v6 application pool.

  2. Rename the Adobe Campaign v6.back folder as Adobe Campaign v6.

  3. Uninstall Adobe Campaign v6 using the Add/remove components wizard.

  4. Re-start the server.
