[Also applies to v8]{class="badge positive" title="Also applies to Campaign v8"}

Create a delivery from a template creating-a-delivery-from-a-template

To create a delivery based on an existing template, select the template from the list of available delivery templates.

Otherwise, click the Select link folder to the right of the field to browse the tree.

Select the desired directory from the Folder field, or click the Display sub-levels icon to display the contents of the directories in the sub-trees of the current directory.

Select the delivery template to be used, and click Ok.

Execute the template executing-the-template

You can launch the execution of a template directly from the template list without creating a delivery first. To do this, select the template to be executed and right-click. Select Actions>Execute the delivery template….

You can also use File>Actions>Execute the delivery template….

Enter the delivery parameters and click Send.

This action generates a delivery in the folder attached to the template. The name of this delivery is the name of the delivery template from which it was created.

For further information about configuring a delivery, see Define the email content.