Executing privacy requests

In Adobe Campaign privacy requests are executed by workflows. This video describes which workflows access and delete requests and what happens when they are executed.

In Adobe Campaign privacy requests are executed by workflows. They run once per day. We have received a new request for the deletion of a record. But before we take a closer look at the workflow let’s review the properties of the GDPR requests.
On the property page, you can activate or deactivate the two step process for managing the privacy requests. This process applies to deletion requests, by default it is activated which means a request to delete data will first generate the access file for you to review and you will then need to manually confirm the deletion of the records. If you deactivate the process by unchecking the box, the records will automatically be deleted and you will not be able to review them first.
Now let’s take a look at the workflows.
To access the workflows go to Administration, Application Settings, Workflows.
I have set the filter to privacy and you can see that there are three predefined workflows that execute the privacy requests. Privacy Access Request Workflow which returns the data that is in the system for this data subject. The Privacy Delete Request Workflow which deletes the data subject’s data. And last but not least, Get Privacy Requests which will retrieve the privacy requests from the core service. The first step is to access the data. So let’s go and take a look at the workflow. The scheduler is running and will execute the access workflow once per day. All new requests will be collected and the requested privacy data for each request will be sent to the pipeline. For demonstration purposes, I will execute the workflow manually.
Let’s see what happened to the new request. I will go back to the privacy tools.
The request status has changed to Delete Confirmation Pending. When you open the request on the left you can access the XML file that has been created. It shows all the data that is in the system for this profile.
You can also review the audit information here. As the two step process is activated, we will need to confirm the deletion in order for this data to be picked up by the Privacy Delete Request Workflow. Once confirmed the data, including the XML file, will be deleted the next time the workflow runs. If you do not confirm the deletion, the dataset will remain in the system and will not be deleted.
Let’s execute the delete workflow. Go back to Administration, Application Settings and Workflows.
Access the Delete Workflow.
In the Scheduler can manually start the workflow.
Let’s see what happens to our request. Go back to Administration, Privacy Tools, and we can see that our request has been completed. The data has been deleted. -