Send a test, prepare, and send an email

This video explains how to send a test email, prepare and then send an email delivery in Adobe Campaign Standard (ACS).

Welcome to Adobe Campaign. This video will show you how to send a test and how to prepare and send an email in Adobe Campaign. First of all, open an e-mail that is already created and configured. In the action bar, click the Send Test button. Select the type of tests you want to send within the three available options. You can send a proof, or an email rendering or both. Click OK. An information window is displayed in the dashboard. The test is being sent to the test profiles, that were specified previously in the Audience Card . Click Show Proofs in the action bar. Then select a test in the pain. Test overview is displayed. The Deployment Card contains information about the send. When ready, go back to the email dashboard, and click the prepare/send button. Confirm the preparation. The deployment card displays the preparation process. When the preparation is done, click the confirm scheduled send button, and confirm your choice. You now know how to send a test and how to prepare and send an email. Thanks for watching. -