Create a push notification

Learn how to create a push notification in Adobe Campaign Standard (ACS):

Adobe Campaign allows you to send personalized and segmented push notifications to iOS and Android™ mobile devices. You have two options:

  • Send push notification to Campaign profiles: Allows you to target the Adobe Campaign CRM profiles who have subscribed to your mobile application and have opted in to receive push notifications. You can insert personalization fields into your push notification, such as the recipient’s first name.

  • Send push notification to app subscribers: Allows you to send a push notification to all known and anonymous mobile application users who have opted in to receive notifications from your application. You can personalize these messages with data collected from your mobile application.

The video describes how to send a push notification to app subscribers.

In this video, we will take a look at creating push notifications in Adobe Campaign Standard. To create a push notification, you can click into this card, or you can create a push notification by clicking into the Marketing Activities card. So in this video, I’m going to create a push notification by clicking into Create A Push Notification card.
Whenever you’re creating a push notification, you need to select the appropriate push notification type. So there are two push notification types which are frequently used. The first one is Send Push to Campaign Profiles. You use this template to target the Adobe Campaign CRM profiles who are subscribed to your mobile application and that opted into see push notifications. You can also insert personalization fields into your push notifications such as the recipient’s first name. You also have this other push notification type which allows you to send notifications to all known and anonymous mobile application users who have opted into see notifications from your application. You can also personalize this message with the data collected from your mobile application. For the purpose of this video, I’m going to select this notification type and click on next.
Every push notification is associated with a mobile app for delivery purposes. So I’m going to associate a mobile app here. I’m going to select ACS_Launch_2 and click on next.
Here, we define the target audience for our push notification. By default, a target audience is already defined, and if we want to further refine the target audience, you can customize the target audience by adding some additional elements from here.
I’m going to click on next here. Here, we have two kinds of push notification types. One is which sends an alert message when the push notification is received by the mobile app subscriber, and the other one is a silent push. For this video purposes, I’m going to select the message title of alert. Every push notification will need to have a title and a message body. So let’s go ahead and specify a title to our push notification.
And we specify a message body here. And then there are some advanced options that you can use to further customize your push notification. The first option is ability to specify a sound file when the push notification is delivered to the subscriber. This gives the application the ability to play a sound on the device with the delivery of a push notification even when the app is not running. The sound file plays when delivering the notification if the file is defined in the mobile application’s package. If not, the device’s default sound is played. So you can specify a sound file by browsing to the appropriate sound file located within your instance from this part.
Next, you can specify the value of a badge here. A badge is used to display directly on the application icon the number of new unread information. The badge value will disappear as soon as the user opens or reads the new content from the application. Typically, the badge value is set to one.
Then we have the ability to add a deep link to your push notification. A deep link enables you to bring the users directly to the content located inside the application instead of opening the web browser’s page. A deep link can include personalization data for a custom in-app experience. For example, the recipient’s first name can be automatically filled on the page that the application directs them to.
You can specify a deep link by clicking on this button here.
You can add a category ID if available in the mobile application and then display action buttons. The mobile application developer must define the category ID and the button’s expected behavior in the application. These notifications give the user a faster way to perform different tasks in the response to a notification without opening or navigating in the application.
The next option is to specify an expire message time.
Setting an expiration date to your push notification allows you to set a specific expiry date where the message will no longer be sent by the Apple’s APNs or Android’s FCM.
The next option is to specify a custom field. A custom field allows you to pass custom data in the payload in the form of a key value pair. This option can be used to pass operational data to the application beyond the predefined keys. To create a custom field, you simply click on the create element, and you can specify the key and the value here. So the key can be color, and the values can be…
Here, red, you can specify those. So these will then need to be handled by your in the mobile application.
We then have some options which are specific to iOS and Android devices. So let’s take a look at the options which are specific to the iOS devices. Rich media content URL. Rich media content allows you to have a better user engagement, meaning that your user will be more inclined to open your push notifications. You can include an image, gif, audio, or a video file that will be played or displayed in the notification itself. Your app users will not have to open the application to see it.
We then have two additional options called a mutable content and content available. When the mutable content option is checked and/or a rich media content URL is added, the mutable content flag will be sent in the push payload and will allow the push notification content to be modified by a notification service application extension provided in iOS SDK. When the content available checkbox is checked, the content available flag will be sent in the push payload to ensure that the app is woken up as soon as it receives the push notification, meaning that the app will be able to access the payload data. This works even if the app is running in the background and without needing any user interaction.
Then there are some options for Android iOS. You can specify the file URL for rich media content. You can only enter a file here which points to a rich media content, and then we have an option to specify the priority for your push notification. Once you have configured your push notification, the next step to do is to create your push notification.
Here, you can click on the prepare button to start preparing your push notification, but on the right-hand side, I just wanted to point you to an which shows you how your push notification will look on the rest devices. For example, this is how it’s going to look like on an iPhone device, Android phone, iPad, and Android tablet. So let’s click on the prepare button to start preparing our push notification for delivery.
This usually takes a few seconds, and once the preparation step is done, we can click on the confirm button to start sending the push notification.
Here, the preparation step is complete. Now we click on the confirm.
So it just finished sending, and it shows that it was delivered to one person, and it’s delivered, and there are no bounces or errors. So this is how you would create and customize your push notification and send it from within the Adobe Campaign Standard interface. -