Understanding profiles and audiences in Adobe Campaign Standard

This video explains the concept and how to create profiles and audiences.

Learning Objectives. After completing this training, you should be able to describe profiles and audiences, add your own profiles for both email delivery and tests, modify those profiles, as well as create audiences. Let’s begin, Exploring Profiles and Audiences. Adobe Campaign has two profile types Identified Profiles and Test Profiles. Those Profiles are grouped according to one or multiple common criteria base on however you want to filter them. Let’s begin, to review profiles, first click on the Adobe Campaign button at the top left corner of you screen, You’ll be now be shown the Adobe Campaign standard home navigation screen, click on select Profiles and Audiences, as you can see here highlighted in blue. Under Profile and Audiences, you will now see Profiles, Test Profiles, Audiences, services and imports sections available for you to go directly from here. As the next step we’ll go ahead and click on Profiles, the Profiles screens displayed what the available profiles to you. If you click on a number at the top right corner, Adobe Campaign standard home then calculate the total number of Profiles available in your instance based on current filters you have set up. If you click on far-right top corner, that is the Configure List button. This the only way to configure the profile list based on your specific requirements for your view. The image shown above has the profile title, last modified timed scamp and last name displayed and it’s all sorted according to your last modified name by default. Next, we’ll click on the create button to create a new profile, we’re going to create our own profile in this exercise here. Once we click create profile button, we’re taken to profiles creation screen.
In that screen, you can create the first name, last name any other fields that you may want to be tracking on that user. For standard exercises you’ll at least need the email address entered to the profile. Once you click create, it’ll take us to a next creative profiles screen. For future exercises, It’s a good practice to fill as many field as possible so you can fill into this field and test them for future exercises. Creating a Test profiles, Test Profiles are used to send proofs prior on sending an actual delivery of a message or email, so you can ensure that the content appears correctly and email will be delivered as you expected to before you actually send it in to the real world. To create that Test Profiles, you’ll go to the Test Profiles and go ahead, and click create from there. Note, that this is a separate profile from the Identified Profiles. Creating Audiences with Drag and Drop Filters is one of the nicest and easiest to use features of an Adobe Campaign Standard, it is seen in a left navigation menu here for shortcuts there, the drag and drop filters are organize by some categories. In the Profile Category, we can see things like Age, creative by date, first name, gender, last name, and this example here, we are filtering on age is less than or equal to 40 as well as gender is female, we can that this is an And, so it’s going to be calculate both age is less or equal to 40 and gender is equal to female. This concludes the brief lesson two, In this training you learned the following, about Profiles and audiences and how to navigate within and over the Adobe Campaign Standard, how to add Identified Profiles, how to add Test Profiles as well, How to modify those Profiles, and to a basic Drag and Drop filters to create audiences. -