New Additions and Changes new-additions-and-changes

Describes new and implemented changes for the IPS API v4.0.

Implemented side-by-side API versions with separate WSDLs and schema namespaces.

  • Previous API versions: IpsApi.wsdl,
  • SPS 4.0 version: IpsApi-2008-01-15.wsdl,

Added PostScriptOptions/alpha field.

Added VideoRootUrl and SwfRootUrl properties for getProperty operation.

Added optional appName and appVersion params to authHeader to track calling application. Added logging to ipsApiService.log.

Added an optional serviceUrl param to the WSDL generation servlet. This param is useful for debug proxies. For example: http://<server>/scene7/webservice/IpsApi-2008-01-15.wsdl?serviceUrl=http://localhost:8081

Implemented getZipEntries operation.

Implemented search ranges and typed comparison values for system field conditions.

Added 'Asset' asset type string constant, primarily to allow cross-asset metadata fields.

Implemented trashState param for searchAssets.

Implemented getAssetPublishHistory operation.

Added optional faultHttpStatusCode SOAP header to enable fault handling in Flex. For Flex, use <faultHttpStatusCode>200</faultHttpStatusCode>. The default status code for fault responses is 500 (Internal Server Error).

Added operations to restore assets from the trash and empty assets from the trash.

Implemented CRUD operations.

Added enabled flag to ImageMap type and saveImageMap operation.

Added support for Optimize Remaining Files jobs.

Added setAssetsPublishState for bulk publish state updates.

Added ImageServingPublishSettings, getImageServingPublishSettings, setImageServingPublishSettings.

Deprecated saveMetadataField operation in favor of new createMetadataField and updateMetadataField operations.

Implemented deleteAssetsParam batch delete operation.

Implemented moveAssetsParam batch move operation.

Implemented deleteMetadataField operation.

Implemented get/setImageRenderingPublishSettings, get/set/create/updateVignettePublishFormat operations.

Implemented getAssetCounts.

Added support to setImageSetMembers for including RenderSet members in ImageSet assets.

Added replaceImage operation.

Added copyImage operation.

Added setUrlModifier operation and urlModifier/urlPostApplyModifier fields for LayerViewInfo, TemplateInfo, and WatermarkInfo.

Added createDerivedAsset operation. Currently the ownerHandle must reference an Image asset and the type may be AdjustedView or LayerView.

Added createTemplate operation. Call to create Template or Watermark assets.

IPS company settings, CompanySettings, ported to Web services API.

Added excludeByproducts filter flag to searchAssets operation. Setting this flag to true runs PSDlayer images and PDF ripped images.

Added getGenerationInfo operation.

Added SystemMessage property name to getProperty operation.

Modified some asset type string constants to match the corresponding Asset Info fields.

  • WordDoc: Word
  • ExcelDoc: Excel
  • PowerPointDoc: PowerPoint
  • RTFDoc: Rtf

Modified result format of batch operations to summarize success, warnings, and errors.

Implemented batchSetAssetMetadata batch metadata operation.

Implemented support for app-specific data.

Implemented support for boolean flags for createTemplate, extendLayers, and extractText for upload jobs to control process of Photoshop processing (similar to changes for add file uploads).

Implemented setImageMaps and setZoomTargets operations.

Implemented ViewerPreset operations. The recognized types are:

  • VideoPlayer (Video only publishes these viewers.)
  • Brochure
  • BasicZoom
  • AdvancedZoom
  • Spin
  • Custom types

Viewer skins support two parameters: skinFg and skinBg. Backend code does all the processing required to maintain backward compatibility.

Implemented getAssociatedAssets operation.

Added ReprocessAssets job type to allow reprocessing of previously uploaded primary source files, including reripping PDFs and reoptimizing images.

Renamed PropertySetType field type to propertyType. This renaming affects the createPropertySetType parameter and getPropertySetType/getPropertySetTypes response.

Implemented batchSetImageFields operation to support setting image user data and other editable image fields.

47 Added fileSize field to various asset info types:

  • VignetteInfo
  • CabinetInfo
  • WindowCoveringInfo
  • IccProfileInfo
  • FontInfo
  • XslInfo
  • ViewerSwfInfo
  • XmlInfo
  • SvgInfo
  • ZipInfo
  • VideoInfo
  • AcoInfo
  • PdfInfo
  • PsdInfo
  • FlashInfo
  • InDesignInfo
  • PostScriptInfo
  • IllustratorInfo
  • WordInfo
  • ExcelInfo
  • PowerPointInfo
  • IllustratorInfo
  • WordInfo
  • ExcelInfo
  • PowerPointInfo
  • RTFInfo

Implemented getActivePublishContexts operation. This operation returns an array of publish context names with active publish servers for the specified company. Current publish context names are:

  • ImageServing
  • ImageRendering
  • Video

Implemented getSearchStrings operation. It returns an array of search strings for the given asset.

Added locale parameters for jobs and a mechanism to set the locale for API operations. The locale string should be formatted as <language_code>[-<country_code>]. The language code is a lowercase, two-letter code as specified by ISO-639, and the optional country code is an uppercase, two-letter code as specified by ISO-3166.

Added optional locale parameter to the authHeader SOAP header to set the locale for API operations. If this parameter is not present, the HTTP header Accept-Language is used. If this header is also not present, the default locale for the IPS server is used.

Added get/set support for strongly typed metadata fields.

Implemented SOAP and HTTP header support for gzip response control.

Added gzipResponse flag to authHeader. If it is not present, the API checks the HTTP Accept-Encoding header.

Added support to searchAssets for strongly typed metadata field conditions.

  • For all field types, value may be passed with a string comparison operator ( Equals, NotEquals, Contains, NotContains, StartsWith, EndsWith)
  • For Boolean fields, boolVal may be passed with the Equals op.
  • For Int fields, longVal may be passed with a numeric comparison operator ( Equals, NotEquals, LessThan, LessThanEquals, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEquals) or minLong/maxLong may be passed with a numeric range operations ( Between, NotBetween).
  • For Float fields, doubleVal may be passed with a numeric comparison operator ( Equals, NotEquals, LessThan, LessThanEquals, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEquals) or minDouble/maxDouble may be passed with a numeric range operations ( Between, NotBetween).
  • For Date fields, you can pass dateVal with a numeric comparison operator ( Equals, NotEquals, LessThan, LessThanEquals, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEquals) or you can pass minDate/maxDate with a numeric range operations ( Between, NotBetween).

Added description, jobSubType, and originalJobName fields to JobLog type.

  • originalJobName is the job name submitted to submitJob (without any uniqueness suffixes or follow-on job names).
  • jobSubType is used only by ImageServingPublishJob jobs (where it is one of full, increment, fullwithsearch, or fulloverride).
  • description is an empty string for all job types, but eventually contains summary job information, such as the upload path.

In addition, the following fields are not included with both getJobLogs and getJobLogDetails. In prior versions, they were only available with getJobLogDetails.

  • endDate (if the job has completed).
  • fileDuplicateCount (previously it was always 0 with getJobLogs)
  • fileUpdateCount (previously was always 0 with getJobLogs and included in fileSuccessCount; it is now split out into separate fields).

Added assetHandle field to JobLogDetail type.

Added optional description parameter to submitJob. This parameter is passed through for retrieval in getScheduledJobs, getActiveJobs, and getJobLogs.

Deprecated the SKU system field. The field is ignored if it is passed in as a SystemFieldCondition to searchAssets.

Added excludeAssetTypeArray filter to searchAssets.

Added MaskInfo type to Asset.

Added new Asset Types for management by IPS:

Asset type
Adobe Illustrator file.
EPS and PostScript files.
Microsoft® Word document for files ending with .doc.
Microsoft® Excel document for files ending with .xls.
Microsoft® PowerPoint document for files ending with .ppt.
RTF file for files uploaded ending with .rtf.

Added additional options to UploadDirectoryJob and UploadUrlsJob to control processing of Postscript, Illustrator, and PDF files independently. All existing jobs provide the necessary parameters to each of the three processing pipelines so that they function exactly as done today. The original PostScriptOptions block is used to set the processing for Illustrator and EPS/PS files. Optionally, specific file options blocks can be supplied to specify processing. The list of changes includes:

  • None

  • Rasterize (default)

  • Only manage the asset and do not create any derivatives upon upload.

  • Render the EPS and PostScript file into an image at the prescribed resolution and color space.



Takes effect when rasterizing the file into an image. It creates a transparent background if the original file is defined in this way for overlaying logos.
  • None
  • Rasterize (default)
  • Only manage the asset and do not create any derivatives upon upload.

  • Render the file into an image at the prescribed resolution and color space.

Rasterizing resolution.
Target color space for rendering.



Takes effect when rasterizing the file into an image. Creates a transparent background if the original file is defined in this way for creating overlaying logos.
  • None

  • Rasterize (default)

  • Only manage the asset and do not create any derivatives upon upload.

  • Render the file into an image at the prescribed resolution and color space.

Rasterizing resolution.
Target color space for rendering.
Defines whether to combine a multiple page PDF into an eCatalog after rendering (default is true).
Defines whether words from the PDF are extracted into the DB for later supplying to a search server (default is false).

You can also query from getScheduledJobs.

Modified the webservice.gzip.response configuration property to take one of the following values:

Do not gzip response.
Gzip response only if authHeader/gzipResponse is true.
Gzip if authHeader/gzipResponse is true, or no gzipResponse header is present and HTTP Accept-Encoding header includes gzip. (Default).
Always gzip response, regardless of header values. Use this value only for debugging purposes.