wid wid

Reply image width. Specifies scaling of the rendered image so that the reply image is no taller than the specified value, while maintaining the image’s aspect ratio.

wid= *val*

Image width in pixels (int greater than 0).

The image is not padded if both wid= and hei= is specified and wid/ hei is different from the aspect ratio of the image.

wid= and hei= work together to define the size of the image that is returned by the server. If scl= comes after wid= or hei= in the URL, it cancels those commands and scl= defines the size of the image returned by the server.

However, if wid= or hei= comes after scl= in the URL, they cancel scl= and wid=/ hei= define the size of the image returned by the server.

An error is returned if the calculated or default reply image size is larger than attribute::MaxPix.

Properties section-2d067c6d371748e19cb157684700a49d

May occur anywhere within the request. Resizing the image with wid=, hei=, or scl= does not change the print resolution value embedded in the response image. Ignored if scl= occurs after wid= or hei= in the command sequence.

Default section-c7c6efa03d864592a3398b6f1de5a0b0

If wid=, hei=, or scl= are not specified, the reply image is scaled to fit within the size defined by attribute::DefaultPix. If attribute::DefaultPix is empty, the reply image has the same size as the vignette’s view image.

See also section-450dfc12b1d440e2a3172a69d91db51f

attribute::DefaultPix , attribue::MaxPix, hei=, scl=, resMode=
