IccProfileCmyk iccprofilecmyk

CMYK default color space. Specifies the name of the ICC color profile to be used for gray-scale response images when no output color space is specified with icc=.

Properties section-849678b272954bdcb236f49aa54f1609

Text string. If specified, must be a valid icc::Name value from the ICC profile map of either this image catalog or the default catalog, or a file path relative to attribute::RootPath. The referenced ICC profile must be a CMYK profile.

Default section-55026b7454af4d868bcb47f7743c9c5b

Inherited from default::IccProfileCmyk if not defined or if empty.

See also section-89feb193693b43dc99a2107658d57154

icc::Name , attribute::IccRenderIntent, attribute::IccProfileSrcCmyk, attribute::RootPath
