resMode resmode

Resampling mode. Chooses the resampling and/or interpolation algorithm to be used for scaling image data. Also applies to rotation of text layers and resizing of composite images during the view transform.


Selects standard bi-linear interpolation. Fastest resampling method; some aliasing artifacts are noticeable.
Selects bi-cubic interpolation. More CPU-intensive than bi-linear interpolation, but yields sharper images with less noticeable aliasing artifacts.
Selects a modified Lanczos Window function as an interpolation algorithm. Can produce slightly sharper results than bi-cubic at a higher CPU cost. sharp has been replaced by sharp2 , which has a lesser likelihood of causing aliasing artifacts (Moiré).
Selects Photoshop default resampler for reducing image size which is called "bicubic sharper" in Adobe Photoshop.
To maintain the aspect ratio of an image when you use both resMode=bisharp and fit=stretch, it is best practice to use either the width parameter or the height parameter. If both parameters must be defined, you can wrap them in a different layer as shown in the following example:

Properties section-a171bacf4ddf43c782e46b86a16d443e

Request attribute. Applies to all scaling operations involved in creating the final reply image, including all layer scaling.

Default section-d5e1b26f5703461395018a3a627f7283


Example section-ee8c3e5a2e3845fe81de5073a8ab7efe

Retrieve a best-quality rendition of a layered image stored in an image catalog. The image can include text. The image is further processed in an image editing application, and thus request an alpha-channel with the image.

http:// *server*/myLayeredImage?fmt=tif-alpha,,lzw&resMode=sharp2&wid=1800

See also section-5f7b17f66bc940d197f8e77e6b4f9657

