origin origin

Layer origin.

origin= *coord*

originN= *coordN*

Pixel offset from the top-left corner of the layer rect (int, int).
Normalized offset from the center of the layer rect (real, real).
The layer rect always includes any modification by extend=.

Defines the alignment point of the layer rectangle, which is used to position the layer rectangle relative to layer 0 by way of pos=. originN=0,0 positions the layer origin at the center of the layer rectangle. originN=-0.5,-0.5 and origin=0,0 is the top-left corner, and originN=0.5,0.5 is the bottom-right corner of the layer rectangle.

Properties section-60f639e36ada43d1abc6bfc100afc925

Layer attribute. Applies to the current layer or to layer 0 if layer=comp. Not affected by layer transforms ( crop=, scale=, rotate=, flip=) applied to the layer source. Overrides anchor=. Ignored by effect layers.

Default section-b7209e5c2ad6491fb0c2353cc3f1f703

If origin= is not specified, the layer origin is determined by applying the layer transforms to the image anchor. If the image anchor is not known, the center of the layer rectangle ( originN=0,0) is used.

Example section-13e38d6e17be4e6cbc6b27fbde63b291

See Example A in Templates.

See also section-a9f9c42c86fe45798deb2daaf27ea5b7

anchor= , pos=, extend=
