xmpEmbed xmpembed

Embed XMP metadata. Specifies whether XMP metadata should be included in the response image.


XMP data is passed from the source image to the response image without modification. This may result in incorrect data being embedded in the response image.

Properties section-27024c4272f44d9a8c264a0629193af2

Request attribute. Ignored if the source image does not contain XMP data. Only XMP data from the source image of layer=0 are processed. XMP data from other layer images are ignored.

Ignored if the output image format does not support XMP embedding. Refer to the description of fmt= for a list of output image formats that support XMP embedding.

Default section-aedbedd04d664ba184b2cfe35644b960

xmpEmbed=0, for no embedding of paths in output images.

See also section-0b5b7d0a19564101ba7102e667e29828

