object object

Source Object Specifier. Image, SVG, and ICC profile objects may be specified as image catalog entries or relative file paths

*object*[/]{[ *rootId*/] *objId*}| *path*

name of the image catalog ( attribute::RootId )
id of the image, SVG, template, or ICC profile record in the specified, main, or default image catalog
relative image, mask, or ICC profile file path and name
may occur either in the main URL path, or in a src= , mask= , or icc= command

rootId identifies an image catalog. (See Image Catalog for details.) If rootId is specified in the URL path, that catalog becomes the main catalog for this request. Otherwise the default catalog is used as the main catalog. Multiple different image catalogs can be used in the same request.

The server initially assumes that rootId is omitted in src=, mask=, and icc= commands and attempts to find a catalog entry in the main catalog. Effectively, the server tries to use the entire object string as objId.

If a catalog entry is found, it is used; otherwise, the server next attempts to match the rootId of an image catalog. If a catalog is identified, it is searched for objId. If and entry is found, it is used.

Otherwise, object is assumed to be an explicit file path. In this case, if attribute::FullMatch is set in the main catalog, then the catalog is ignored for this object, and the default catalog used instead. If attribute::FullMatch is not set, then the main catalog is used for further processing.

Both rootId and objId are case-sensitive. path is case-sensitive on UNIX only.

If a leading / is specified, the default catalog is searched instead of the main catalog. This is primarily useful when an explicit path requires default::RootPath rather than the main catalog’s attribute::RootPath, but can also be used to gain access to entries in the default catalog which would otherwise be overridden by entries in the main catalog.

Refer to Managing Content in the Server Configuration Guide for details on how path is translated to a physical file path.

Comma ‘,’ characters are not permitted in object.

Supported image file formats section-12c85aead78e4f759856ca9ff10637d7

Refer to the description of the IC (Image Converter) utility for a complete list of supported file formats.

Applications that require image data in multiple different resolutions perform best when using the Dynamic Media pyramid TIFF (PTIF) multi-resolution format. The IC utility is used to create PTIF images from any supported image format.

Examples section-728ca9b566b54ea1afdf8f5f0a031a57

Accessing an image and an ICC profile in two different image catalogs

Retrieve the image ’ myImage’ in the image catalog identified as ’ myCatalog’ and attach the ICC profile ’ sRGB’ located in the image catalog named ’ myProfiles’:

http:// *server*/myCatalog/myImage?icc=myProfiles/sRGB&iccEmbed=true

Using a single image catalog with layering

Build a simple composite image consisting of three layers, all retrieved from ’ myCatalog’:

http:// *server*/myCatalog?layer=0&src=img0&layer=1&src=img1&layer=2&src=img2&wid=200

Accessing image files directly while still using a catalog to provide attributes

Access my/image/path/myImage.tif, using the default jpg attributes configured in myImageCatalog:


See also section-b6eccefad63f441d922699c4aba58fc9

IC Utility, src=, mask=, attribute::FullMatch
