Example B example-b

Similar requirements as Example A, but use a solid color background and allow the height of the composite to vary, to accommodate images with different aspect ratios.

$text=layer+1+text+goes+here& layer=0&size=800,0&extend=0,100,200,100&src=$object$&originN=.5,0& layer=1&text=rtf…$text$…rtf-encoding&rotate=-90&originN=.5,0&posN=0.5,0

The image is placed in layer 0, and the height value of size= is set to 0. This setting causes the actual height to be determined by the height of the image after scaling it to 800 pixels wide.

The variable extend= adds 100 pixels to the top and bottom, and 200 pixels to the right.

The origins for both layer 0 and layer 1 are placed at the center-right of the compositing area, to achieve the desired text position.

The following image shows the composite result for different aspect ratios of the image and different text strings.

Example B image
