header header

HTTP response header element. Optional in <rule> elements.

Attributes section-6e903ab4c64f4b1488b8ae74274f50a6

Name = “text : Required. Specifies the name of the HTTP header.

Action = “set” | "add": Optional. Default is "set", which replaces any current header value. Specify "add" so you can append the header value, separated with a comma.

Data section-a387f541396c49d99c29692a38032914

Header value.

Description section-fb2a8ad79bc5414d8bb0d0e8199f3269

Allows adding new HTTP response headers and adding or replacing values of pre-defined headers. Names and values must conform to HTTP standards. No additional encoding is applied.

Image Serving substitution variables may be used in the header name and the header value. This allows controlling both strings from the request.

Example section-cb5b738b9b93407cb2f4d35af3e59c02

The following rule applies a custom header when the header value is specified in the request as a variable:

<rule OnMatch="continue">
   <header Name="Edge-Control">$Edge-Control$</header>

This rule is triggered by the following request, setting the HTTP response header Edge-Control::no-store:

