init init

JavaScript API reference for Flyout Viewer.


Starts the initialization of the Flyout Viewer. By this time the container DOM element must be created so that the viewer code can find it by its ID.

If the container element is not a part of the web page layout yet–for example, it may be hidden using display:none style assigned to it–the viewer suspends its initialization process. It does so until the moment when the web page brings the container element back to the layout. When this occurs, the viewer load automatically resumes.

This method should be called only once during the viewer life cycle, consequent calls are ignored.

Parameters section-ad069aaaf4f145f2b50ae5ac89ca1ed2


Returns section-1d3cf85bc7cc4dfe9670e038d02b9101

{Object} A reference to the viewer instance.

Example section-9e9332aa86b74a5fb321375c03fdc5b3
