Publish your tag property

Now that you have implemented some key solutions of the Adobe Experience Cloud in your Development environment, it’s time to learn the publishing workflow.

Adobe Experience Platform Launch is being integrated into Adobe Experience Platform as a suite of data collection technologies. Several terminology changes have rolled out in the interface which you should be aware of while using this content:

Learning Objectives

At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

  1. Publish a Development library to the Staging environment
  2. Map a Staging library to your production website using the Debugger
  3. Publish a Staging library to the Production environment

Publish to Staging

Now that you have created and validated your library in the Development environment, it is time to publish it to Staging.

  1. Go to the Publishing Flow page

  2. Open the dropdown next to your library and select Submit for Approval

    Submit for Approval

  3. Click the Submit button in the dialog:

    Click Submit in the Modal

  4. Your library will now appear in the Submitted column in an unbuilt state:

  5. Open the dropdown and select Build for Staging:

    Build for Staging

  6. Once the green-dot icon appears, the library can be previewed in the Staging environment.

In a real-life scenario, the next step in the process would typically be to have your QA team validate the changes in the Staging library. They can do this using the Debugger.

To Validate the Changes in the Staging Library

  1. In your tag property, open the Environments page

  2. In the Staging row, click the Install icon Install icon to open the modal

    Go to the Environments page and click to open the modal

  3. Click the Copy icon Copy icon to copy the embed code to your clipboard

  4. Click Close to close the modal

    Install icon

  5. Open the Luma demo site in your Chrome browser

  6. Open the Experience Platform Debugger extension by clicking the Debugger Icon icon

    Click the Debugger icon

  7. Go to the Tools Tab

  8. In the Adobe Launch > Replace Launch Embed Code section paste the Staging embed code that is in your clipboard

  9. Turn on the Apply across switch

  10. Click the disk icon to save

    tag environment shown in Debugger

  11. Reload and check the Summary tab of the Debugger. Under the Launch section, you should now see your Staging Property is implemented, showing your property name (I.e. “tags Tutorial” or whatever you named your property)!

    tag environment shown in Debugger

In real-life, once your QA team has signed off by reviewing the changes in the Staging environment it is time to publish to production.

Publish to Production

  1. Go to the Publishing page

  2. From the dropdown, click Approve for Publishing:

    Approve for Publishing

  3. Click the Approve button in the dialog box:

    Click Approve

  4. The library will now appear in the Approved column in the unbuilt state (yellow dot):

  5. Open the dropdown and select Build and Publish to Production:

    Click Build Publish to Production

  6. Click the Publish in the dialog box:

    Click Publish

  7. The library will now appear in the Published column:


That’s it! You’ve completed the tutorial and published your first property in tags!
