RDBMS Support in AEM 6.4 rdbms-support-in-aem

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our technical support periods. Find the supported versions here.

Overview overview

Support for relational database persistence in AEM is implemented using the Document Microkernel. The Document Microkernel is the basis that is also used for implementing MongoDB persistence.

It consists of a Java API that is based on the Mongo Java API. An implementation of a BlobStore API is also provided. By default, blobs are stored in the database.

For more information on the implementation details, please see the RDBDocumentStore and RDBBlobStore documentation.

Support for PostgreSQL 9.4 is also provided, but only for demo purposes. It will not be available for production environments.

Supported Databases supported-databases

For more information on the level of Relational Database support in AEM, please see the Technical Requirements page.

Configuration Steps configuration-steps

The repository is created by configuring the DocumentNodeStoreService OSGi service. It has been extended to support relational database persistence in addition to MongoDB.

In order for it to work, a data source needs to be configured with AEM. This is done via the org.apache.sling.datasource.DataSourceFactory.config file. The JDBC drivers for the respective database need to be provided separately as OSGi bundles inside the local configuration.

For steps on creating OSGi bundles for JDBC drivers, please see this documentation on the Apache Sling website.

Some of the SQL drivers are already packaged as OSGi bundles.
If this is the case, then just copy the jar file to install-path/crx-quickstart/install/9.

Once the bundles are in place, follow the below steps in order to configure AEM with RDB persistence:

  1. Make sure the database daemon is started and that you have an active database for use with AEM.

  2. Copy the AEM 6.3 jar into the installation directory.

  3. Create a folder called crx-quickstart\install in the installation directory.

  4. Configure the document node store by creating a configuration file with the following name in the crx-quickstart\install directory:

    • org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreService.config
  5. Configure the data source and the JDBC parameters by creating another configuration file with the following name in the crx-quickstart\install folder:

    • org.apache.sling.datasource.DataSourceFactory-oak.config
    note note
    For detailed information on the data source configuration for each supported database, see Data Source Configuration Options.
  6. Next, prepare the JDBC OSGi bundles to be used with AEM:

    1. Download the ZIP archive from https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/

      • version must be >= 5.1.38
    2. Extract the mysql-connector-java-version-bin.jar (bundle) from the archive

    3. Use the web console to install and start the bundle :

      • Go to http://serveraddress:serverport/system/console/bundles
      • Select Install/Update
      • Browse to the select the bundle extracted from the downloaded ZIP archive
      • Check that Oracle Corporation’s JDBC Driver for MySQLcom.mysql.jdbc is active, and start it.
  7. Finally, start AEM with the crx3 and crx3rdb runmodes:

    code language-java
    java -jar quickstart.jar -r crx3,crx3rdb

Data Source Configuration Options data-source-configuration-options

The org.apache.sling.datasource.DataSourceFactory-oak.config OSGi configuration is used to configure the parameters needed for communication between AEM and the database persistence layer.

The following configuration options are available:

  • datasource.name: The data source name. The default is oak.

  • url: The URL string of the database that needs to be used with JDBC. Each database type has its own URL string format. For more info, see URL String Formats below.

  • driverClassName: The JDBC driver class name. This will differ depending on the database you want to use and subsequently, the driver that is needed to connect to it. Below are the class names for all the databases supported by AEM:

    • org.postgresql.Driver for PostgreSQL;
    • com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver for DB2;
    • oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver for Oracle;
    • com.mysql.jdbc.Driver for MySQL and MariaDB (experimental);
    • c om.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver for Microsoft SQL Server (experimental).
  • username: The username the database runs under.

  • password: The database password.

URL String Formats url-string-formats

A different URL string format is used in the data source configuration depending on the database type that needs to be used. Below is a list of formats for the databases that AEM currently supports:

  • jdbc:postgresql:databasename for PostgreSQL;

  • jdbc:db2://localhost:port/databasename for DB2;

  • jdbc:oracle:thin:localhost:port:SID for Oracle;

  • jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/databasename for MySQL and MariaDB (experimental);

  • jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1453;databaseName=name for Microsoft SQL Server (experimental).

Known Limitations known-limitations

While concurrent use of multiple AEM instances with a single database is supported by RDBMS persistence, concurrent installations are not.

In order work around this, make sure you run the installation with a single member first, and add the other ones after the first has finished installing.
