Customizing error messages for HTML5 forms customizing-error-messages-for-html-forms

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In HTML5 forms, out of the box, the error messages and warnings have a fixed position and appearance (font and color), the error is displayed only for a selected field, and only one error is displayed.

The article provides the steps to customize HTML5 forms error messages to,

  • change the appearance and position of error messages. You can make an error to appear at the top, bottom, and right of any field.
  • display error messages for multiple fields at any given moment.
  • display the error irrespective of a field is selected or not.

Customizing Error Messages  customizing-error-messages-nbsp

Before customizing the error messages, download and extract the attached package (

After extracting the package, open the CustomErrorManager-1.0-SNAPSHOT folder. It contains jcr_root and META-INF folders. These folders contains the CSS and .JS files required to customize the error message.

Get File

Customizing the position of error messages  customizing-the-position-of-error-messages-nbsp

To customize the position of error message, add <div> tag for each error and warning field, postion the <div> tag on the left or right, and apply css styles on the <div> tag. For detailed steps, see the procedure listed below:

  1. Navigate to the CustomErrorManager-1.0-SNAPSHOTfolder and open the etc\clientlibs\mf-custom-error-manager\CustomErrorManager\javascript folder.

  2. Open the customErrorManager.js file for editing. The markError function in the file accepts the following parameters:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2
    jqWidget jqWidget is the handle for widget.
    msg contains the error message
    type denotes whether it is an error or warning
  3. On the out of the box implementation, error messages appears on the right of the field. To make the error messages appear on the top use the following code.

    code language-none
    markError: function (jqWidget, msg, type) {
                var element = jqWidget.element,                                //Gives the div containing widget
                    pos = $(element).offset(),                          //Calculates the position of the div in the view port
                                                                    msgHeight = xfalib.view.util.TextMetrics.measureExtent(msg).height + 5;  //Calculating the height of the Error Message
                    styles = {};
                    styles.left = pos.left + "px";         // Assign the desired left position using pos.left. Here it is calculated for exact left of the field
           = - msgHeight + "px";  // Assign the desired top position using Here it is calculated for top of the field
                if (type != "warning") {
                                                                                    //Adding the warning div if it is not present already
                        jqWidget.errorDiv=$("<div id='customError'></div>").appendTo('body');
                    jqWidget.$css(jqWidget.errorDiv.get(0), styles); // Applying the styles to the warning div
                    jqWidget.errorDiv.text(msg).show();                     //Showing the warning message
                } else {
                                                                                    //Adding the error div if it is not present already
                        jqWidget.errorDiv=$("<div id='customWarning'></div>").appendTo('body');
                    jqWidget.$css(jqWidget.errorDiv.get(0), styles); // Applying the styles to the error div
                    jqWidget.errorDiv.text(msg).show();                     //Showing the warning message
  4. Save and close the file.

  5. Navigate to the CustomErrorManager-1.0-SNAPSHOT folder and create an archive of jcr_root and META-INF folders. Rename the archive to

  6. Use the package manager to upload and install the package.

Display error messages for multiple fields  display-error-messages-for-multiple-fields-nbsp

Ue the attached package to simultaneously display error messages for all the fields. To display a single error message, use default profile.

Customizing the appearance of error messages.  customizing-the-appearance-of-error-messages-nbsp

  1. Navigate to the etc\clientlibs\mf-custom-error-manager\CustomErrorManager\css folder.

  2. Open the file sample.css for editing.The css file contains 2 ids- #customError, #customWarning. You can use these ids to change various properties such as color, font size etc.

    Use the following code to change font size and color of error/warning messages.

    code language-none
    #customError {
    color: #0000FF; // it changes the color of Error Message
    font-size: 24px;  // it changes the font size of Error Message
    #customWarning {
    color: #00FF00;  // it changes the color of Warning Message
    font-size: 18px;   // it changes the font size of Warning Message
    Save the changes.
  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Navigate to the CustomErrorManager-1.0-SNAPSHOT folder and create an archive of jcr_root and META-INF folders. Rename the archive to

  5. Use the package manager to upload and install the package.

Render the form with the new profile.  render-the-form-with-the-new-profile-nbsp

Out of the box, html5 forms use a default profile: https://<server>/content/xfaforms/profiles/default.html?contentRoot=<xdp location>&template=<name of the xdp>

To view a form with the custom error messages, render the form with error profile: https://<server>/content/xfaforms/profiles/error.html?contentRoot=<xdp location>&template=<name of the xdp>

The attached package installs the error profile.