Updating the link to the documentation updating-the-link-to-the-documentation

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our technical support periods. Find the supported versions here.

You can access the default help content for AEM Forms workspace by selecting Help > Workspace Help. It points to the online documentation on Adobe’s website. However, you can update it to point to any other URL.

Consider the following use cases where you may want to change the default help URL:

  • For providing localized help in a language of your choice.
  • For providing customized help content for your customized workspace.

To update the URL of the online documentation, follow the Generic Steps of customization and then the following steps.

  1. Copy the userinfo.html file from /libs/ws/js/runtime/templates to /apps/ws/js/runtime/templates.

  2. Change:

    code language-none
    <ul class="helpmenu">
        <a href="https://www.adobe.com/go/learn_aemforms_documentation_63" title="<%= $.t('index.header.dropdown.WorkspaceHelp')%>" target="_blank"><%= $.t('index.header.dropdown.WorkspaceHelp')%></a>


    code language-none
    <ul class="helpmenu">
        <a href="<!--place new help url here-->" title="<%= $.t('index.header.dropdown.WorkspaceHelp')%>" target="_blank"><%= $.t('index.header.dropdown.WorkspaceHelp')%></a>
  3. Do the following:

    1. Open /apps/ws/js/registry.js for editing.
    2. Search and replace text!/lc/libs/ws/js/runtime/templates/userinfo.html with text!/lc/apps/ws/js/runtime/templates/userinfo.html.