Send Email Step
Use the email step to send an email, for example an email with a document of record, link of an adaptive form, link of an interactive communication, or with an attached PDF document. Send Email step supports HTML email. HTML emails are responsive and adapt to the recipients’ email client and screen size. You can use an HTML email template to define appearance, color-scheme, and behavior of the of the email.
The email step uses Day CQ Mail Service to send emails. Before using the email step, ensure that the email service is configured. The email step has the following properties:
Title: Title of the step helps identify the step in the workflow editor.
Description: Explanation is useful for other process developers when you are working in a shared development environment.
Email Subject: Subject can be retrieved from a workflow metadata or specified manually. Select the Literal option to manually specify a subject or select the Retrieve from Workflow metadata option to retrieve the subject from a metadata property.
HTML Email Template: HTML template for the email. You can specify variables in an email template. The Email Step extracts and displays all the variables included in a template for inputs.
Email Template Metadata: Value of the email template variables can be a user-specified value, the path of an asset on the author or the publish server, image, or a workflow metadata property.
Literal: Use the option when you know the exact value to specify. For example,
Workflow Metadata: Use the option when the value to use is saved in a workflow metadata property. After selecting the option, enter the metadata property name in the empty text box below the Workflow Metadata option. For example, emailAddress.
Asset URL: Use the option to embed a web link of an interactive communication to the email. After selecting the option, browse and choose the interactive communication to embed. The asset can reside on the author or the publish server.
Image: Use the option to embed an image to the email. After selecting the option, browse and choose the image. The image option is available only for the image tags (<img src=“*”/>) available in the email template.
Sender’s / Recipient’s Email Address: Select the Literal option to manually specify an email address or select the Retrieve from Workflow metadata option to retrieve the email address from a metadata property. You can also specify a list of metadata property arrays for the Retrieve from Workflow metadata option.
File Attachment Path: The asset available at the specified location is attached to the email. The path of the asset can be relative to the payload or absolute path. An example path is [Payload_Directory]/attachments/
File Name: Name of the email attachment file. The Email Step changes the original file name of the attachment to the specified file name. The name can be specified manually or retrieved from a workflow metadata property. Use the Literal option when you know the exact value to specify. Use the Retrieve from a Workflow Metadata option when the value to use is saved in a workflow metadata property.
Generate Document of Record step
When a form is filled or submitted, you can keep a record of the form, in print or in document format. This is referred to as a Document of Record (DoR). You can use the Generate Document of record step to create a read-only or interactive PDF version of an adaptive form. The PDF version contains information filled-in to the form along with the layout of the adaptive form.
The Document of Record step has the following properties:
Use Adaptive Form: Specify the method to locate the input adaptive form. You can use the adaptive form available at an absolute path, submitted as payload to the workflow, or available at a path calculated using a variable. You can use a variable of type String to specify the path.
Adaptive Form Path: Specify the path of the adaptive form. The field is available when you use the an adaptive form or read-only adaptive form option in the Type field in conjunction with absolute path option the Use Adaptive Form field.
Input Data Path: Path of the input data for the adaptive form. You can keep the data at a location relative to the payload or specify an absolute path of the data. The input data is merged with the adaptive form to create a document of record.
Input Attachment Path: Input Attachment Path: Path of the attachments. These attachments are included in the Document of Record. You can keep the attachments at a location relative to the payload or specify an absolute path of the attachments.
If you specify the path of a folder, for example, attachments, all the files directly available in the folder are attached to Document of Record. If any files are available in the folders directly available in the specified attachment path, the files are included in Document of Record as attachments. If there are any folders in directly available folders, those are skipped.
Generated Document of Record Path: Specify the location to keep a document of record file. You can choose to overwrite the payload folder or place document of record at a location within the payload directory.
Locale: Specify the language of the document of record.