Deprecated and Removed Features
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Adobe constantly evaluates product capabilities, to over time reinvent or replace older features with more modern alternatives to improve overall customer value, always under careful consideration of backward compatibility.
To communicate the impending removal/replacement of AEM capabilities, the following rules apply:
- Announcement of deprecation comes first. While deprecated, capabilities are still available, but they will not be further enhanced.
- Removal of deprecated capabilities will occur in the following major release at the earliest. Actual target date for removal will be announced.
This process gives customers at least one release cycle to adapt their implementation to a new version or successor of a deprecated capability, before actual removal.
Deprecated Features
The table below lists features and capabilities that have been marked as deprecated with AEM 6.4. Generally, features that are planned to be removed in a future release are set to deprecated first, with an alternative provided.
Customers are advised to review if they make use of the feature/capability in their current deployment, and make plans to change their implementation to use the alternative provided.
Adobe does not plan to make further enhancements to the Classic UI. AEM 6.4 has the Classic UI included, and customers upgrading from earlier releases can keep using it as is. Note that Classic UI remains fully supported while being deprecated.
(Page Editor)/libs/launches/content/admin.html
Adobe does not plan to make further enhancements to the Foundation Components listed below. AEM 6.4 has the Foundation Components included, and customers upgrading from earlier releases can keep using them as is. Note that Foundation Components remain fully supported while being deprecated.
- foundation/components/account/accountname
- foundation/components/account/actions
- foundation/components/account/passwordreset
- foundation/components/account/requestconfirmation
- foundation/components/adaptiveimage
- foundation/components/assetsharepage
- foundation/components/breadcrumb
- foundation/components/form/creditcard
- foundation/components/listchildren
- foundation/components/login
- foundation/components/logo
- foundation/components/mobilefooter
- foundation/components/mobileimage
- foundation/components/mobilelist
- foundation/components/mobilelogo
- foundation/components/mobilereference
- foundation/components/mobiletextimage
- foundation/components/mobiletopnav
- foundation/components/search
- foundation/components/sitemap
- foundation/components/table
- foundation/components/toolbar
- foundation/components/topnav
- foundation/components/userinfo
Adobe does not plan to make further enhancements to the Foundation Components listed below. AEM 6.4 has the Foundation Components included, and customers upgrading from earlier releases can keep using them as is. Note that Foundation Components remain fully supported while being deprecated.
- foundation/components/timing
The Portal Director is a set of features, that enables the hosting of AEM content via Portlet in 3rd party servers. Adobe does not plan to make further enhancements to the Portal Director feature under the location listed below. AEM 6.4 has the Portal Director included, and customers upgrading from earlier releases can keep using it as is. Note that Portal Direct remains fully supported while being deprecated.
- /libs/portal/director
Deprecated use of JSONObject in Query and OperationOptions. The following APIs are deprecated:
setArguments(JSONObject arguments)
JSONObject getArguments()
OperationOptions(String operationId, JSONObject arguments)
JSONObject getArguments()
void setArguments(JSONObject arguments)
APIRemoved Features
The table below lists features and capabilities that have been removed from AEM 6.4. Prior releases had these capabilities marked as
Pre-announcement for Next Release
The table below provides a list of changes for future release, that are not deprecated, but may impact customers. These are provided for planning purpose.