Analytics Configuration for Communities Features analytics-configuration-for-communities-features

Overview overview

Adobe Analytics and Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) are both solutions of Adobe Experience Cloud.

Adobe Analytics may be configured for AEM Communities so that, as a member interacts with supported Communities features, events are sent to Adobe Analytics from which reports are generated.

For example, from the community site, administrators are able to see various reports regarding the playing of the video.

Further, analytics is necessary for:

  • In the Publish environment:

    • Reporting on community trends
    • Allowing site visitors to sort by “most viewed”, “most active”, “most liked”
    • View counts on UGC (User-Generated Content) lists
  • In the author environment:

    • Display of participation data in the members management console (views, posts, follows, likes)
    • Trend summary, video heartbeat, and video device for enablement resource reports

Supported Communities features include:

This section of the documentation describes how to connect an Analytics report suite with Communities features. The basic steps are:

  1. Replicate the crypto key so you can ensure that encryption/decryption occurs correctly on all AEM instances

  2. Prepare an Adobe Analytics report suite

  3. Create an AEM Analytics Cloud service and framework

  4. Enable Analytics for a community site

  5. Verify Analytics to AEM variable mapping

  6. Identify primary publisher

  7. Publish the community site

  8. Configure import of report data from Adobe Analytics to the community site

Prerequisites prerequisites

To configure Analytics for Communities features, it is necessary to work with your account representative to set up an Adobe Analytics account and report suite. Once established, the following information should be available:

  • Company Name

    The company that is associated with the Adobe Analytics account.

  • User Name

    The login user name for the user authorized to manage the Analytics account
    (should include Web Service Access privileges).

  • Password

    The login password for the authorized user.

  • Analytics Data Center

    The URL of the Analytics data center for the account.

  • Report Suite

    The name of the Analytics report suite to use.

Adobe Analytics Report Suite for Video Reporting adobe-analytics-report-suite-for-video-reporting

Using the Adobe Experience Cloud’s Report Suite Manager, Analytics report suites can be configured so that a community site may be enabled to provide reports for Communities features.

By signing in to Adobe Experience Cloud with Company Name and User name, it is possible to configure a new or existing report suite to have:

  • 11 Conversion Variables (eVars)

    • evar1 through evar11 enabled

    • Can repurpose (rename) existing eVars or create ones to use for Communities features

  • 7 Success Events (events)

    • event1 through event7 enabled

    • type Counter

      • not Counter (no subrelations)
    • Can repurpose (rename) existing events or create ones to use for Communities features

  • Video Management

    • Video Reporting console

      • Enable Video Core
      • Select Save
    • Video Core measurement console

      • Select Use Solution Variables
      • Select Save

If using a new report suite, a new report suite may only have 4 evars and 6 event variables, while 11 evars and 7 event vars are required for Communities.

If using an existing report suite, it may be necessary to modify the variable mapping before activating the Analytics framework for a community site.

Contact your account representative for any concerns regarding the variables dedicated to Communities.

If using an existing report suite that already uses variables within
  • evar1 through evar11

  • event1 through event7

Then before the community site is published, it is important to restore the pre-existing mapping by moving the AEM variables that were automatically mapped to Analytics variables when Analytics was enabled for a community site.
To restore the pre-existing mapping and move AEM variables to other Analytics variables, see the section on Modifying Analytics Variable Mapping.
Failure to do so may result in unrecoverable data loss.

Video Heartbeat Analytics video-heartbeat-analytics

When Video Heartbeat Analytics is licensed, a Marketing Cloud Org Id is assigned.

To enable Video Heartbeat reporting after configuring the Analytics report suite for video reporting:

The Marketing Cloud Org Id may be entered at the time of community site creation or later by modifying the community site properties.


When Video Heartbeat Analytics is enabled, the JavaScript (JS) code for the video player instantiates the video heartbeat library code (also in JS). The code handles all the logic for sending video status updates to the Analytics video tracking servers every 10 seconds (not configurable). It eventually sends a cumulative report of the video session to the main Analytics servers.

If not enabled, the video heartbeat code is never instantiated and only the video progress and resume position tracking is persisted to SRP for reporting.

AEM Analytics Cloud Service Configuration aem-analytics-cloud-service-configuration

To create an Analytics Integration, which integrates Adobe Analytics with the AEM community site, using the standard UI on the author instance:

  • From global navigation: Tools > Deployment > Cloud Services
  • Scroll-down to Adobe Analytics
  • Select Configure Now or Show Configurations


Create Configuration Dialog create-configuration-dialog

  • Select [+] icon next to Available Configurations so you can create a configuration.

On the Create Configuration dialog, the values to be entered identify the configuration.


  • Title

    (Required) A display title for the configuration.
    For example, enter Community Analytics

  • Name

    (Optional) If not specified, the name defaults to a valid node name derived from the title.
    For example, enter communities

  • Template

    Select Adobe Analytics Configuration

  • Select Create

    • Launches configuration page and opens Analytics Settings dialog

Analytics Settings Dialog analytics-settings-dialog

The initial creation of a new Analytics configuration results in the display of the configuration and a new dialog for entry of the Analytics Settings. This dialog requires the prerequisite account information obtained from the account representative.


  • Company

    The company that is associated with the Adobe Analytics account.

  • User name

    The login user name for the user authorized to manage the Analytics account.

  • Password

    The login password for the authorized user.

  • Data Center

    Select the Analytics data center hosting the report suite.

  • Do not add tracking tag to page

    Leave as default (deselected).

  • Use AppMeasurement

    Leave as default (deselected).

  • Do not import page impressions nightly (author)

    Leave as default (deselected).

  • Do not import page impressions nightly (publish)

    Leave as default (deselected).

To save the settings:

  • Select Connect to Analytics

    • If not successful,

      • Verify that entries do not contain leading spaces.
      • Try a different data center.
  • Select OK.


Create Framework create-framework

After successful configuration of the basic connection to Adobe Analytics, it is necessary to create or edit a framework for the community site. The purpose of the framework is to map Communities feature (AEM) variables to Analytics (report suite) variables.

  • Select [+] icon next to ** Available Frameworks** so you can create a framework.


  • Title

    (Required) A display title for the framework
    For example, enter Community Framework.

  • Name

    (Optional) If not specified, the name defaults to a valid node name derived from the title.
    For example, enter communities.

  • Template

    Select Adobe Analytics Framework.

  • Select Create.

Creating the Analytics Framework opens the framework for configuration.

AEM Analytics Framework Configuration aem-analytics-framework-configuration

The purpose of the framework is to map AEM variables to Analytics variables (eVars and events). The Analytics variables available for mapping are defined in the report suite.


Select Report Suite select-report-suite

Select the report suite that has been set up for video reporting.

If a report suite has not yet been created or not properly set up, see the previous section:
Adobe Analytics Report Suite for Video Reporting

The Sidekick is not needed and may be minimized so that it does not obstruct access to the Report Suites settings.

Report Suites dialog before and after selecting ‘Add Item’ report-suites-dialog-before-and-after-selecting-add-item


  1. Select Add Item +.

    Two drop-down boxes appear.

  2. Choose a Report suite.

    The report suites associated with the Company account are available for selection.

  3. Select Yes in the dialog that opens:

    code language-none
    Load default server settings?
     Do you want to load the default server settings and overwrite current values in the Server section?
  4. Choose a Run Mode.

  5. Select Publish.


The Analytic cloud service and framework are now complete. The Mappings are defined after a community site is created with this Analytics service enabled.

Enable Analytics for a Community Site enable-analytics-for-a-community-site

Enable for New Community Site enable-for-new-community-site

To add the Analytics Cloud service while creating a community site:

  • In step 3, under the ANALYTICS tab:

    • Select the Enable Analytics check box.
    • Select the framework from the drop-down box.
  • Optionally, return to the Analytics framework configuration to adjust the variable mappings.

Enable for Existing Community Site enable-for-existing-community-site

To add the Analytics Cloud service to an existing community site:

  • Navigate to the Communities > Sites console.

  • Select the community site’s Edit Site icon.

  • Select the SETTINGS.

  • In the Analytics section:

    • Select the Enable Analytics check box.
    • Choose the framework from the drop-down box.
  • Optionally, return to the Analytics framework configuration to adjust the variable mappings.

Enable for Customized Sites enable-for-customized-sites

For Analytics tracking and import to work properly for a community site, a page element with the scf-js-site-title class and href attributes must be present. Only one such element should exist on the page, such as it does in an unmodified sitepage.hbs script for a community site. The value of siteUrl is extracted and sent to Adobe Analytics as the site path.

# present in default sitepage.hbs
# only one scf-js-site-title class should be included
# this example sets it to be hidden as it serves no visual purpose
    class="navbar-brand scf-js-site-title"
    style="visibility: hidden;"

For a customized community site that overlays the sitepage.hbs script, ensure that the element is present. The siteUrl variable is set when rendered on the server before serving to the client.

For a generic AEM site that includes Communities components, but is not created with the site creation wizard, it is necessary to add the element. The value of the href should be the path to the site. For example, if the site path is /content/my/company/en, then use:

    class="navbar-brand scf-js-site-title"
    style="visibility: hidden;"

Analytics for Communities Features analytics-for-communities-features

Analytics is automatically used for several Communities features.

The author environment’s OSGi configuration, AEM Communities Analytics Component Configuration, provides a listing of the components that have been instrumented for Analytics. The automatic mapping of variables is determined by the components listed.

If new custom components are created that are instrumented for Analytics, they should be added to this list of configured components.

Component Configuration component-configuration


The journal components are used to implement the blog feature.

Mapped Analytics to AEM Variables mapped-analytics-to-aem-variables

After the community site is saved, with Analytics enabled and the cloud config framework selected, the AEM variables is automatically mapped to the Analytics eVars and events. It begins with evar1 and event1, respectively, and increments by 1.

If using an existing report suite that mapped any of the variables within evar1 through evar11 and event1 through event7, it becomes necessary to remap the AEM variables and restore the original mapping.

Following is an example of default mappings:


Map of eVars sent with each event map-of-evars-sent-with-each-event

Resource Play
SCFCreate (Post)

Examples for eVar values :

  • MIME type: video/mp4

  • community site title: Geometrixx Communities

  • community function name: Forum

  • community group name: Hiking

  • path to community group content: /content/sites/<site name>/en/groups/hiking

  • UGC component resourceType: social/forum/components/hbs/topic

  • UGC component title: Hiking Topics

  • login (authorizableId):

  • SRP path to UGC: /content/usergenerated/asi/.../forum/jmtz-topic3
    or path of component to follow: /content/sites/<site name>/en/jcr:content/content/primary/forum

  • path to community site content: /content/sites/<site name>/en

Modifying Analytics Variable Mapping modifying-analytics-variable-mapping

The mapping of Analytics eVars and events to AEM variables is visible from the framework configuration after Analytics is enabled for a community site.

After Analytics is enabled and before the community site is published, the mapping may be altered in the framework. Simply drag the desired Analytics evar or event from the left rail and drop it into the relevant row in the mapping table.

To avoid duplicate mappings, be sure to remove the replaced Analytics evar or event from the row by hovering over it and selecting the “X” which appears to the right of the Analytics variable element.

If Communities eVars and events overwrite mappings that pre-existed in the report suite, then to avoid data loss, assign the AEM variables for Communities features to other Analytics eVars or events and restore the original mappings.

It is important to remap before the community site is published with Analytics enabled, else there is risk of data loss.

Example Step 1: Dragging Analytics evar14 into mapping table example-step-dragging-analytics-evar-into-mapping-table


Example Step 2: Selecting ‘x’ to remove replaced evar11 example-step-selecting-x-to-remove-replaced-evar


Example Step 3: AEM var eventdata.siteId remapped to Analytics evar14 example-step-aem-var-eventdata-siteid-remapped-to-analytics-evar


Publishing the Community Site publishing-the-community-site

Verify Analytics to AEM Variable Mapping verify-analytics-to-aem-variable-mapping

It is wise to verify the variable mapping before publishing the community site, which also publishes the Analytics Cloud service and framework.

See sections:

If using an existing report suite that already uses variables within
  • evar1 through evar11

  • event1 through event7

Then before the community site is published, restore the pre-existing mapping. Move Communities AEM variables that were automatically mapped (when Analytics was enabled for the community site) to other Analytics variables. This remapping should be consistent across all Communities components.
Failure to do so may result in unrecoverable data loss.

Primary Publisher primary-publisher

When the deployment chosen is a publish farm, then one AEM publish instance must be identified as the primary publisher for polling Adobe Analytics for report data to write to SRP.

By default, the AEM Communities Publisher Configuration OSGi configuration identifies its publish instance as the primary publisher, such that all publish instances in a publish farm would self-identify as the primary.

Therefore, it is necessary to edit the configuration on all secondary publish instances to deselect the Primary Publisher check box.

For specific instructions, see the primary publisher section of Deploying Communities.

It is important that the primary publisher be configured to prevent polling from multiple publish instances.

Replicate the Crypto Key replicate-the-crypto-key

The Adobe Analytics credentials are encrypted. To facilitate the replication or transmission of encrypted analytics credentials between author and publishers, all AEM instances must share the same primary encryption key.

To do so, follow the instructions at Replicate the Crypto Key.

Publish Community Site and Analytics Cloud Service publish-community-site-and-analytics-cloud-service

After the Analytics Cloud service is enabled for a community site and, if necessary, the mapping of Analytics to AEM variables is adjusted, replicate the configuration to the publish environment by (re)publishing the community site.

Obtaining Reports from Analytics obtaining-reports-from-analytics

Report Management report-management

The author and primary publisher’s OSGi configuration, AEM Communities Analytics Report Management, is used to query Analytics.

On author, the queries are for real-time reports.

On the primary publisher, the queries are used to provide information in preparation for the Report Importer’s Analytic data import.

The query interval defaults to 10 seconds.

Report Importer report-importer

Once an Analytics enabled community site has been published, the primary publisher’s OSGi configuration, AEM Communities Analytics Report Importer, may be configured to set the default polling interval for those configurations which are not individually configured in CRXDE.

The polling interval controls the frequency of requests to Adobe Analytics for data to be pulled and saved into SRP.

When the data may be categorized as “big data”, more frequent polling may put a large load on the community site.

The default polling Import interval is set to 12 hours.


Component Report Customization component-report-customization

Presently, to customize the metrics to track, nodes are created in the repository that define time periods for which to generate a report on that metric.

The forum topic is presently the only example of this customization:

  • On the primary publisher, sign in with administrative privileges.

  • Navigate to CRXDE Lite. For example, https://localhost:4503/crx/de.

  • Under the jcr:content node of the language root (for example, /content/sites/engage/en/jcr:content), navigate to the component configured for Analytics reporting.
    For example, analytics/reportConfigs/social_forum_components_hbs_topic

  • Notice the time periods created:

    • last30Days
    • last90Days
    • thisYear
  • Notice the totalnode.

    • Modifying the interval property overrides the Report Importer interval.
    • The value is in seconds, and is set to four hours (14400 seconds).


Manage user data in Analytics manage-user-data-in-analytics

Adobe Analytics provides APIs that let you access, export, and delete user data. For more information, see Submit Access and Delete Requests.

Resources resources
