Protect a document on behalf of another user protect-a-document-on-behalf-of-another-user

AEM Forms Document Security Java™ SDK provides APIs to allow a user account to protect a document on behalf of another user without attaining the permissions to edit the document. You can use the APIs in a workflow process or programmatically as a document service. The new APIs are:

  • protectDocumentUse the ProtectDocument API so you can apply a policy to a document on behalf of

    another user account. Permissions of the user account used to apply the policy remain limited to protecting the document. It does not attain the right to open and view the document. RMSecureDocumentResult protectDocument(Document inDoc, String documentName, String policySetName, String policyName, RMLocale locale, boolean bExactMatchForNames)

  • createLicenseUse the CreateLicense API so you can create a license for a policy on behalf of another user account. PublishLicenseDTO createLicense(String policyId, String documentName, boolean logSecureDocEvent)

  • protectDocumentWithCoverPageUse the ProtectDocumentWithCoverPage API so you can apply a policy and add a cover page to a document on behalf of another user. Permissions of the user account used to apply the policy remain limited to protecting the document. It does not attain the right to open and view the document. RMSecureDocumentResult protectDocumentWithCoverPage(Document inDoc, String documentName, String policySetName, String policyName, Document coverDoc, boolean bExactMatchForNames)

Using the APIs to protect a document on behalf of another user using-the-apis-to-protect-a-document-on-behalf-of-another-user

Do the following so you can protect a document on behalf of another user and without attaining the permissions to edit the document:

  1. Create a policy set. For example, PolicySet1.

  2. Create a policy in the newly created policy set. For example, Policy1 in PolicySet1.

  3. Create a user with role Rights Management End User. For example, User1. Provide the permissions to view documents protected using Policy1 to the newly created user.

  4. Create a role. For example, Role1. Provide the Service Invoke permission to the newly created role. Create a user with newly created role. For example, User2. You can use User2 or an administrator to create SDK connection and invoke the protectDocument service.

    Now, you can run the following sample code to protect a document without providing permissions to edit the document to the user protecting the document:

    code language-java
    import java.util.Properties;
    import com.adobe.edc.common.dto.PublishLicenseDTO;
    import com.adobe.edc.sdk.SDKException;
    import com.adobe.idp.Document;
    import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
    import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;
    import com.adobe.livecycle.rightsmanagement.RMSecureDocumentResult;
    import com.adobe.livecycle.rightsmanagement.client.DocumentManager;
    import com.adobe.livecycle.rightsmanagement.client.RightsManagementClient;
    import com.adobe.livecycle.rightsmanagement.client.RightsManagementClient2;
    public class PublishAsProtectAPI {
    private static final String unprotectedFileName = "C:\\unprotected.pdf";
    private static final String protectedFileName = "C:\\protect.pdf";
    private static final String coverFileName = "C:\\CoverPage.pdf";
    private static final String POLICY_ID = "2EF66008-5E2D-1034-9B06-00000A292C18";
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
    Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
    connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
    // Create a ServiceClientFactory instance
    ServiceClientFactory factory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);
    catch (Exception ex) {
    ex.printStackTrace(); }
    private static void testProtectDocument(ServiceClientFactory factory) throws FileNotFoundException, SDKException {
    // Create a RightsManagementClient object
    RightsManagementClient rmClient = new RightsManagementClient(factory);
    // Create a Document Manager object
    DocumentManager documentManager = rmClient.getDocumentManager();
    //Reference a policy-protected PDF document from which to remove a policy
    FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(unprotectedFileName);
    Document inPDF = new Document(is);
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    //Remove a policy from the policy-protected PDF document
    RMSecureDocumentResult securePDF = documentManager.protectDocument(inPDF, "test", "newPolicySet", "latest", "DefaultDom", "administrator", null, true);
    System.out.println("Total Time taken for protectDocument = " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime));
    //Save the unsecured PDF document
    File myFile = new File(protectedFileName);
    private static void testProtectDocumentWithCoverPage(ServiceClientFactory factory) throws FileNotFoundException, SDKException {
    // Create a RightsManagementClient object
    RightsManagementClient rmClient = new RightsManagementClient(factory);
    // Create a Document Manager object
    DocumentManager documentManager = rmClient.getDocumentManager();
    //Reference a policy-protected PDF document from which to remove a policy
    FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(unprotectedFileName);
    Document inPDF = new Document(is);
    FileInputStream coverIS = new FileInputStream(coverFileName);
    Document inCoverPDF = new Document(coverIS);
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    //Remove a policy from the policy-protected PDF document
    RMSecureDocumentResult securePDF = documentManager.protectDocumentWithCoverPage(inPDF, "test", "newPolicySet", "latestPolicy", inCoverPDF, true);
    System.out.println("Total Time taken for Page0ProtectDocument = " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime));
    //Save the unsecured PDF document
    File myFile = new File(protectedFileName);
    private static PublishLicenseDTO testProtectDocumentJavaPPL (ServiceClientFactory factory) throws SDKException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    // Create a RightsManagementClient object
    RightsManagementClient2 rmClient2 = new RightsManagementClient2(factory);
    // Create a Document Manager object
    DocumentManager documentManager = rmClient2.getDocumentManager();
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    PublishLicenseDTO license = documentManager.createLicense(POLICY_ID, "Out.pdf", true);
    System.out.println("Create License totalTime = " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime));
    startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // Reference a PDF document to which a policy is applied
    InputStream inputFileStream = new FileInputStream(unprotectedFileName);
    // Apply a policy to the PDF document
    InputStream protectPDF = rmClient2.getRightsManagementEncryptionService().protectDocument(inputFileStream, license);
    // Save the policy-protected PDF document
    File myFile = new File(protectedFileName);
    // write the inputStream to a FileOutputStream
    FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(myFile);
    int read = 0;
    byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];
    while ((read = != -1) {
    outputStream.write(bytes, 0, read);
    System.out.println("protectPDFDocument totalTime = " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime));
    System.out.println("Document Protected Successfully");
    return license;