Add a new production pipeline

After you have used the Cloud Manager UI to set up your program and have at least one environment, you are ready to add a production pipeline.

  1. Log into Cloud Manager at and select the appropriate organization and program.

  2. Navigate to the Pipelines card from the Program Overview page.

  3. Click +Add, then select Add Production Pipeline.

    Add a production pipeline

  4. The Add Production Pipeline dialog box opens to the Configuration tab where a number of options for your pipeline must be defined. These options are grouped into collapsible sections and are described in the following steps.

    1. Provide a descriptive name for your pipeline in the Pipeline Name field.

    2. Under the Source Code section, you define where the pipeline retrieves the code it processes.

      • Repository - Defines which Git repo the pipeline should retrieve the code.
      See the document Program Setup to learn how to add and manage repositories in Cloud Manager.
      • Git Branch - Defines from which branch in the selected pipeline should retrieve the code.
      • Code Location - Defines the path in the branch of the selected repo from which the pipeline should retrieve the code.

      Define repos for the pipeline

    3. Under the Environments section, you define what triggers a deployment and how it should be rolled out per environment.

      1. In the STAGE section, you can define how the pipeline rolls out to your staging environment.

        • Deployment Trigger - You have the following options to define the deployment triggers to start the pipeline.

          • Manual - Start the pipeline manually using the Cloud Manager UI.
          • On Git Changes - Start the CI/CD pipeline whenever commits are added to the configured Git branch. With this option, you can still start the pipeline manually as required.
        • Important Metric Failures Behavior - During pipeline setup or edit, the Deployment Manager has the option of defining the behavior of the pipeline when an important failure is encountered in any of the quality gates. The available options are:

          • Ask every time - The default setting and requires manual intervention on any important failure.
          • Fail Immediately - The pipeline is canceled whenever an important failure occurs. It is emulating a user manually rejecting each failure.
          • Continue Immediately - The pipeline proceeds automatically whenever an important failure occurs. It is emulating a user manually approving each failure.

        Deployment trigger

        • Deployment Options - You can accelerate certain deployment tasks.

          • Approve after Stage Deployment - This approval occurs after deployment to the staging environment before any testing is done. Otherwise, approval occurs before the production deployment, which is done after all testing is complete.

          • Skip Load Balancer changes - Load balancer changes are not made.

        Staging deployment options

        • Dispatcher Configuration - The Deployment Manager role can configure a set of content paths that are either invalidated or flushed from the AEM Dispatcher cache when a pipeline is run. These cache actions are performed as part of the deployment pipeline step, just after any content packages are deployed. These settings use standard AEM Dispatcher behavior. To configure, do the following:

          1. Under PATH provide a content path.

          2. Under TYPE, select the action to be taken on that path.

            • Flush - Perform a cache deletion.
            • Invalidate - Perform a cache invalidation, similar to when content is activated from an authoring instance to a publishing instance.
          3. Click Add Path to add your specified path. You can add up to 100 paths per environment.

        Dispatcher configuration

        In general, the use of the invalidate action is preferable, but there may be cases where flushing is required, especially when using AEM HTML Client Libraries.
      2. In the PRODUCTION section, you can define how the pipeline rolls out to your production environment.

        • Deployment Options - You can define the parameters controlling the production deployment.

          • Use Go Live Approval - A user with the Business Owner, Project Manager, or Deployment Manager role by way of the Cloud Manager UI must manually approve a deployment.

          • Scheduled - Halts the pipeline before production deployment to allow it to be scheduled. If this option is selected, the pipeline halts after deployment to the staging environment and prompt the user for the action to take.

            • Now - Deploys to production immediately, effectively completing the pipeline.
            • Date - Lets the user schedule a time when the deployment should be completed.
            • Stop Execution - Aborts deployment to production.
          See Code Deployment to learn how to set the deployment schedule or execute the pipeline immediately.
          • Use CSE Oversight - If this option is select, a CSE (Customer Success Engineer) is engaged to start the actual deployment. When creating or editing a pipeline when this option is enabled, the Deployment Manager role has the following options.

            • Any CSE - Allows any available CSE to start the deployment.
            • My CSE - Allows only the specific CSE assigned to the customer to start the deployment. This option also applies for the designated backup of the CSE if the assigned CSE is unavailable.

          Production deployment options

        • Dispatcher Configuration - Define the Dispatcher configuration for your production environment. The options are the same as the options for the staging environment.

  5. Click Continue to advance to the Stage Testing tab where you can configure AEM Sites and AEM Assets Performance Testing, depending on which products you have licensed.

    See Code Quality Testing for more details on the options available on the Stage Testing tab.
    1. In the Sites Content Delivery/Distributed Load Weight section, you configure site Performance Testing based on the weighting of page requests among three page sets. You can enable or disable the page sets as needed.

      • Popular Live Pages
      • Other Live Pages
      • New Pages

      Sites load weight

    2. Under the Assets Performance Testing Distribution section, you define the test distribution of images and PDFs and define your own test assets.

      • Images - Adjust the slider to adjust the test split between images and PDFs.

      • PDFs - Adjust the slider to adjust the test split between images and PDFs.

      • Define your own custom assets by uploading them.

        1. FORMAT - Choose whether your custom asset is a PDF of an image.
        2. FILENAME - Use the file browser button to select an image from your local machine.
        3. Add Test File - Click to upload your selected asset.

      Assets testing distribution

  6. Click Save to complete adding your production pipeline.

The next steps

After you have configured the pipeline, you deploy your code. See Code Deployment for more details.

Video tutorial

This video provides an overview of the pipeline creation process, which is detailed in this document.

Experience Manager