Interface AssetDownloadService

  • public interface AssetDownloadService
    • Method Detail

      • assetDownload

        java.lang.String assetDownload​(Resource configResource,
                                       java.util.Set<Resource> downloadSet,
                                       boolean downloadAssets,
                                       boolean downloadRenditions,
                                       boolean downloadSubassets,
                                       java.lang.String s7ExportSettings,
                                       java.util.Date date,
                                       java.lang.String downloadName,
                                       java.lang.String emailRecipients)
        Test URL params to see if this request should go to S7 (has image format or image presets)
        configResource - Resource
        downloadSet - Set<Resource> Set of JcrNodeResource, which includes assets' info
        downloadAssets - boolean
        downloadRenditions - boolean
        downloadSubassets - boolean
        s7ExportSettings - String: it could be an imagePreset or a string of several modifiers; No s7export if this is null
        date - Date: the export could be scheduled or execute immediately if this is null
        out - ZipOutputStream, pass the output stream filter for the archive downloading
        downloadName - String: download job name
        emailRecipients - String: email recipients
        String: downloadUrl if the archive file is stored in jcr
      • assetDownload

        java.lang.String assetDownload​(Resource configResource,
                                       java.util.Set<Resource> downloadSet,
                                       boolean downloadAssets,
                                       boolean downloadRenditions,
                                       boolean downloadSubassets,
                                       java.lang.String s7ExportSettings,
                                       java.util.Date date,
                                       java.lang.String downloadName,
                                       java.lang.String emailRecipients,
        Test URL params to see if this request should go to S7 (has image format or image presets)
        configResource - Resource
        downloadSet - Set<Resource> Set of JcrNodeResource, which includes assets' info
        downloadAssets - boolean
        downloadRenditions - boolean
        downloadSubassets - boolean
        s7ExportSettings - String: it could be an imagePreset or a string of several modifiers; No s7export if this is null
        date - Date: the export could be scheduled or execute immediately if this is null
        downloadName - String: download job name
        emailRecipients - String: email recipients
        out - OutputStream, pass the output stream filter for the archive downloading
        String: downloadUrl if the archive file is stored in jcr
      • computeAssetDownloadSize

        long computeAssetDownloadSize​(AssetDownloadService.AssetDownloadParams params)
        Computes uncompressed size of assets requested for download
        params - asset download options
        long: (uncompressed) size of the content requested for download (in bytes)
      • assetDownload

        java.lang.String assetDownload​(AssetDownloadService.AssetDownloadParams params)
        Test URL params to see if this request should go to S7 (has image format or image presets)
        params - asset download options
        String: downloadUrl if the archive file is stored in jcr
      • assetDownloadParamsReference

        AssetDownloadService.AssetDownloadParams assetDownloadParamsReference()
        parameter class for asset download service
        asset download options