Interface SchemaLocalElement

    • Method Detail

      • blockExtension

        boolean blockExtension()
        True if extension is blocked.
      • blockRestriction

        boolean blockRestriction()
        True if restriction is blocked.
      • blockSubstitution

        boolean blockSubstitution()
        True if element substitution is blocked.
      • isAbstract

        boolean isAbstract()
        True if this element is prohibited in content. Only sensible if this is the head of a substitution group; then only substitution group members can appear.

        Although local elements cannot be abstract, if an element use is a ref to a global element, then the flag from the global element is copied in to the local element where the use occurs.

      • getIdentityConstraints

        SchemaIdentityConstraint[] getIdentityConstraints()
        Returns all the Key, KeyRef, and Unique constraints on this element.