Debugging Dispatcher Tools

The Dispatcher Tools provides a containerized Apache Web Server environment that can be used to simulate AEM as a Cloud Services’ AEM Publish service’s Dispatcher locally.

Debugging Dispatcher Tools’ logs and cache contents can be vital in ensuring the end-to-end AEM application and supporting cache and security configurations are correct.

Since Dispatcher Tools is container-based, every time it is restarted, prior logs and cache contents are destroyed.

Dispatcher Tools logs

Dispatcher Tools logs are available via the stdout or the bin/docker_run command, or with more detail, available in the Docker container at /etc/https/logs.

See Dispatcher logs for instructions on how to directly access the Dispatcher Tools’ Docker container’s logs.

Dispatcher Tools cache

Accessing logs in the Docker container

The Dispatcher cache can be directly accessing in the Docker container at /mnt/var/www/html.

$ docker ps

# locate the CONTAINER ID associated with "adobe/aem-ethos/dispatcher-publisher" IMAGE
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                       COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                  NAMES
46127c9d7081        adobe/aem-ethos/dispatcher-publish:2.0.23   "/docker_entrypoint.…"   6 seconds ago       Up 5 seconds>80/tcp   wonderful_merkle

$ docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID> /bin/sh

/ #
/ # cd /mnt/var/www/html

# When finished viewing the cache, exit the Docker container's shell
/# exit

Copying the Docker logs to the local filesystem

Dispatcher logs can be copied out of the Docker container at /mnt/var/www/html to the local file system for inspection using your favorite tools. Note that this is a point-in-time copy, and does not provide real time updates to the cache.

$ docker ps

# locate the CONTAINER ID associated with "adobe/aem-ethos/dispatcher-publisher" IMAGE
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                       COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                  NAMES
46127c9d7081        adobe/aem-ethos/dispatcher-publish:2.0.23   "/docker_entrypoint.…"   6 seconds ago       Up 5 seconds>80/tcp   wonderful_ira

$ docker cp -L <CONTAINER ID>:/mnt/var/www/html cache
$ cd cache