Introduction to the AEM Architecture Stack
- Beginner
- Developer
Introduces the technologies of OSGi, JCR, Oak, and Sling as part of Adobe Experience Manager’s technology stack.

Hello and welcome everyone. My name is Abhishek Dwevedi and in this video, we are going to learn about AEM’s Architecture Stack.
After completing this video, you should be able to identify underlying technologies in AEM. And you should also be able to explain Architecture Stack in AEM. In this Architecture Stack of AEM, one of the most important components is OSGi Java Container. This container is used for modular development and it provides various functionalities in form of models, components and services.
The next important layer is JCR Repository, which is a storage layer. Whatever content the author writes or edits gets stored in this repository. JCR Repository is in form of hierarchical structure. We’ll discuss JCR in more detail in upcoming videos. On the top of this storage layer, we have Web Application Framework, Apache Sling. This is a REST-based Web Application Framework. It helps in consuming and exposing the content in your JCR repository and interacting with your OSGi Java container.
And finally we have AEM application layer. We refined various capabilities like sites, forms and assets. Now let’s see this architecture in more detail. So now here we have AEM platform which is basically created using the technology stack that we just talked about. It has some old modules like user interface, a module for security, a module for logging framework, topology management and business process management. Over top of this AEM platform, there is standardized interfaces so capabilities can interact with all these services.
And finally we have capabilities of AEM like sites, assets and forms.
The AEM platform includes various open source elements like OSGi Application Runtime, Web Application Framework, which is Apache Sling.
This platform also includes some proprietary components like Granite and Coral UI framework which provides the UI.
It also provides a workflow engine which helps you to create workflows so that you can go through multiple steps or multiple business flows in your project.
One of the proprietary set of components for the translation, or localization, or internationalization enhancements.
Asset and Asset Metadata support is another proprietary component which is extensively used in AEM. There is also a proprietary component for experienced cloud support, process offloading, SAML, oAuth and other various security enhancements.
Now you should be able to identify underlying technologies in AEM and should also be able to explain Architecture Stack of AEM. Thank you for watching this video. Have a great day. -