Simplified Steps for Installing AEM Forms on Windows
- Topics:
- Adaptive Forms
- Beginner
- Admin
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 redistributable
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 redistributable
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 redistributable
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 redistributable (as of 6.5)
Although we recommend following the official documentation for installing AEM Forms. The following steps can be followed to install and configure AEM Forms on Windows environment:
Make sure you have the appropriate JDK installed
- AEM 6.2 you need: Oracle SE 8 JDK 1.8.x (64bit)
- AEM 6.3 and AEM 6.4 you need: Oracle SE 8 JDK 1.8.x (64bit)
- AEM 6.5 you need JDK 8 or JDK 11
- Official JDK Requirements are listed here
Make sure the JAVA_HOME is set to point to the JDK you have installed.
To create the JAVA_HOME variable in windows follow the steps below:
- Right-click My Computer and select Properties
- On the Advanced tab, select Environment Variables and create a new system variable called JAVA_HOME.
- Set the variable value to point to JDK installed on your system. For example c:\program files\java\jdk1.8.0_25
Create a folder called AEMForms on your C drive
Locate the AEMQuickStart.Jar and move it into AEMForms folder
Copy the file into this AEMForms folder
Create a batch file called “StartAemForms.bat” with the following content:
java -d64 -Xmx2048M -jar AEM_6.5_Quickstart.jar -gui
- Here AEM_6.5_Quickstart.jar is the name of my AEM quickstart jar.
- You can rename your jar to any name, but please make sure that name is reflected in the batch file. Save the batch file in the AEMForms Folder.
Open a new command prompt, and navigate to c:\aemforms.
Execute the StartAemForms.bat file from the command prompt.
You should get a small dialog box indicating the progress of the startup.
Once the startup is complete, open the file. This is located in c:\AEMForms\crx-quickstart\conf folder.
Copy the following 2 lines towards the bottom of the file
These two properties are required for document services to work
Save the file
Install the forms add on package using package manager.
After you have installed add on package the following steps need to be followed
Make sure all the bundles are in active state. (Except for AEMFD Signatures bundle).
It would typically take 5 or more minutes for all the bundles to get to active state.
Once all the bundles are active (Except the AEMFD Signatures bundle), restart your system to complete the AEM Forms installation
sun.util.calendar package to the allowed list
- Open Felix web console in your browser window
- Search and open Deserialization Firewall Configuration:
- Add
as a new entry
- Save the changes.
Congratulations!!! You have now installed and configured AEM Forms on your system.
Depending on your needs you can configure Reader Extensions or PDFG on your server