[Integration]{class="badge positive"}

Rental Agreement with 2 signers

[AEM Forms 6.5]{class="badge informative"}

The video explains the various steps needed to configure an adaptive form with 2 signers.

Hi, in this video we will take a look at the use case of a - person filling out the form and signing the same form using Adobe Sign’s integration with AEM Forms. To demonstrate that - use case let’s go ahead and create a very basic - or a simple adaptive form.
Select the appropriate template. So in my case, I’m going to - select a custom template. So every adaptive form - is based on a template and in this case I’m going - to select a custom template. By the way this custom - template will be made available to you as part of the sample package associated with this video. Click Next. Provide a meaningful title to your form. In my case I’m going to - call it TenancyAgreement. Select the configuration container. So here I’m going to select AdobeDocs. The reason I’ve selected - AdobeDocs is because our cloud services configuration that - we created to the sites in the AdobeDocs configuration container. Click Select. Go to the Form Model tab and select Generate Document of Record. Selecting Generate - Document of Record option is very important. Whenever you want to fill and - sign the form using AEM Forms integration with AdobeSign. Then click on Create.
Form is created, open it in edit mode.
As you can see the form - has a header component which has a logo and a - rental agreement text here. There’s a form container - in the root panel. In the next video we will - configure this form by adding some sections and form components - and we’ll also configure this form to use AdobeSign’s integration.
So I have created the - rental agreement form which is supposed to be - signed by the landlord and the tenant. So I’ve added some giant - panels to the root panel such as the property details, - parties to the agreement and agreement details. And these are the three tabs - that are shown on the top and there’s another tab - called Sign Document. So if you go to the root panel and click on this configuration - properties there’s an option here to specify how you - want the tabs to appear. So I have chosen tabs on top. You can specify tabs - on left, or accordion, or any of these options.
So the next thing we need to do is to add what we call a signature block. So since this document is going - to be signed by two people we need to add two signature blocks. The signature blocks can be - added anywhere on your form. So I’m going to add it to the - Property Details tab here. So click on the plus icon - and add the AdobeSign block or Adobe Signature block. So I have added one. I’ll add another one.
So far since our form is going - to be signed by two people we need to add two signature - blocks, one for the landlord, another one for the tenant. The next thing we need to - do is to add what we call a signature step. So the signature step - typically is added on a new tab by itself and it’s typically - the last tab of your form. So this is my Sign Document - tab and there is nothing in this Signed Document tab. So here I’m going to - add my signature step.
So let me refresh the form here, - go to the Sign Document tab and click on the plus icon - and add the signature step. The signature step allows - you to sign the document and the document that is - presented is the automatically generated document of record with the data from the adaptive form. So now we have added the - signature step component on our Sign Document tab. The next thing we need to do - is to configure our adaptive form to use AdobeSign. To do that you click on - the form container here and open up its configuration properties, go to the electronic - signature part and make sure the enable AdobeSign check box is checked and select the appropriate - AdobeSign cloud service. So in our case we are - going to select AdobeDoc so it’s signed. Select the order in which your signers will be signing the document. So in our case we have chosen sequentially but you can choose simultaneously as well.
Then we need to add the signers. So the first signer is the landlord because that’s the person - who’s going to fill the form and sign. So though I’ve given the - name as, title as landlord is the signer and the person - filling the form same. So the answer is yes because - the landlord is filling out the document and he’s - signing the same document. Anytime you want to fill - and sign the document you need to have an - email address associated with it or an email ID. There are multiple ways by - which you can fetch an email ID. So in our case we’re going - to say use the email address provided in the form and that - email address will be provided from the field called landlord email and that landlord email field is here in the Parties to the Agreement tab. The signers authentication method. We can specify one or we can specify one of these authentication methods - but in our case we are going to specify as none. And then every signature, every - person signing the document needs to be associated - with a signature block. So here we are going to associate - the first signature block with the landlord. So click on Save to save your settings. Now we need to add another - signer to represent the tenant. So click on, Add Signer and - configure the signer here. So here we can change the title to tenant and we need to specify the email - address that is associated. So here it’s going to wait, - sorry, here it’s going to be the tenant’s email address.
So that’s the tenant email. Signer authentication is none. And we need to associate a - signature block with the tenant, and that’s the signature block. And click on here to save your settings. So, so far we have added - two signature blocks and a signature step. So these signature blocks will - not be visible at run time. So whenever the form is - rendered or the document is presented to the user for - signing this signature block will be hidden. So the next thing we need - to do is to configure the submit action of the form. So to configure the submit action we’ll go into the submission tab - here and we need to choose an appropriate submit action. So this submit action will be - triggered when all the signers have signed the document. So in our case when the landlord - and the tenant have signed the document does this - particular submit action will be triggered. So you can choose any - of the submit actions that meet your use case. So in our case I’ve chosen - the form portal submit action. So save your settings. The last thing we need - to do is to customize the document of record. So remember when we created the - form we associated this form to automatically generate - the document of record. So here we’re going to - upload our own image for the document of record. Here we have specified the form title to be tenancy agreement. The header text is here and - then the disclaimer label and the disclaimer text is specified here. And there are some more options - which you can use to further customize your document of record. And to see how your - document of record will look like at runtime you can click - on the generate preview button and this is how it’s going to look like. So this is the logo, that’s the form title and that’s the data. So these are the signature blocks. These will not be visible in - the final document of record that is generated. This is only in the preview - that you’re seeing it. So now that you have configured - your form that can be filled out by the landlord and signed - and then it will generate a request for the tenant to sign. Let’s take a look at the actual - experience of the landlord filling out this form. So to do that let me do - a preview of the form.
So the form is already - filled with the data here. So like the property - address, the type of form, there’s a parties to the - agreement, landlord name, landlords email and the - tenant’s name and email. There’s agreement details here. And then when I go to - the sign document step the document of record will - be generated automatically with the data from the adaptive form and presented to the landlord for signing. So give it another two, three seconds. The document of record is generated here. As you can see it has the property details and it has a place for - the landlord to sign. So this is the landlord - signature, I’m going to sign here, Conrad Simms, and apply - on my signature here and click to sign. So once the landlord has signed - the tenant will get an email notification to sign the same - agreement using the email that AdobeSign sent. So to see the email that - AdobeSign sends let’s take a look at my email inbox. So I should have an email - notification from AdobeSign asking the tenant to sign. So here is the email notification - and that’s the document that I will be reviewing and signing. So if I were to click - open this document…
So this is the tenant that - is signing the document.
So here is the tenant. So the landlord has - already signed the document and the tenant is going to go in.
Tenant is signing. And since the tenant and - landlord have finished signing the entire process is complete. So this is how you - would use adaptive forms to have multiple signers - sign the same document. -

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Configure Automated Forms Conversion Service
