Using SSL Configuration Wizard

Navigate to AEM Author > Tools > Security > SSL Configuration, and open the SSL Configuration Wizard.

SSL Configuration Wizard

Create store credentials

To create a Key Store associated with the ssl-service system user and a global Trust Store, use the Store Credentials wizard step.

  1. Enter the password and confirm password for the Key Store associated with the ssl-service system user.

  2. Enter the password and confirm password for the global Trust Store. Note it is a system-wide Trust Store and if it is already created, the entered password is ignored.

    SSL Setup - Store Credentials

Upload private key and certificate

To upload the private key and SSL certificate, use the Key & Certificate wizard step.

Typically, your IT department provides the CA-trusted certificate and key, however self-signed certificate can be used for development and testing purposes.

To create or download the self-signed certificate, see the Self-Signed private key and certificate.

  1. Upload the Private Key in the DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules) format. Unlike PEM, DER-encoded files do not contain plain text statements such as -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

  2. Upload the associated SSL Certificate in the .crt format.

    SSL Setup - Private Key and Certificate

Update SSL connector details

To update the hostname and port use the SSL Connector wizard step.

  1. Update or verify the HTTPS Hostname value, it should match the Common Name (CN) from the certificate.

  2. Update or verify the HTTPS Port value.

    SSL Setup - SSL Connector details