Style names vs CSS classes
Style names, or the options presented to AEM authors, and the implementing CSS class names are decoupled in AEM.
This allows Style options to be labeled in a vocabulary clear and understood by the AEM authors, but lets CSS developers name the CSS classes in a future-proof, semantic manner. For example:
A component must have the options to be colored with the brand’s primary and secondary colors, however, the AEM authors know the colors as green and yellow, rather than the the design language of primary and secondary.
The AEM Style System can expose these coloring Display styles using author-friendly labels Green and Yellow, while allowing the CSS developers to use semantic naming of .cmp-component--primary-color
and .cmp-component--secondary-color
to define the actual style implementation in CSS.
The Style name of Green is mapped to .cmp-component--primary-color
, and Yellow to .cmp-component--secondary-color
If the company’s brand color change in the future, all that needs to be changed is the single implementations of .cmp-component--primary-color
and .cmp-component--secondary-color
, and the Style names.
The Teaser component as an example use case
The following is an example use case of styling a Teaser component to have several different Layout an Display styles.
This will explore how Style names (exposed to authors) and how the backing CSS classes are organized.
Teaser component styles configuration
The following image shows the Styles configuration for the Teaser component for the variations discussed in the use case.
The Style Group names, Layout, and Display, by happenstance match to the general concepts of Display styles and Layout styles used to conceptually categorize types of styles in this article.
The Style Group names and the number of Style Groups should be tailored to the component use case and project-specific component styling conventions.
For example, the Display style group name could have been named Colors.
Style selection menu
The image below displays the Style menu authors interact with to select the appropriate styles for the component. Note the Style Grpi names, as well as the Style names, are all exposed to the author.
Default style
The default style is often the most commonly used style of the component, and the default, un-styled view of the teaser when added to a page.
Depending on the commonality of the default style, the CSS may be applied directly on the .cmp-teaser
(without any modifiers) or on a .cmp-teaser--default
If the default style rules apply more often than not to all variation, it is best to use .cmp-teaser
as the default style’s CSS classes, since all variations should implicitly inherit them, assuming BEM-like conventions are followed. If not, they should be applied via the default modifier, such as .cmp-teaser--default
, which in turn needs to be added to the component’s style configuration’s Default CSS Classes field, otherwise these style rules will have to be overridden in each variation.
It is even possible to assign a “named” style as the default style, for example, the Hero style (.cmp-teaser--hero)
defined below, however it is more clear to implement the default style against the .cmp-teaser
or .cmp-teaser--default
CSS class implementations.
- Layout style
- Default
- Display style
- None
- Effective CSS Classes:
Promo style
The Promo layout style is used to promote high-value content on the site and is laid out horizontally to take up a band of space on the web page and must be style-able by brand colors, with the default Promo layout style using black text.
The achieve this, a layout style of Promo and the display styles of Green and Yellow are configured in the AEM Style System for the Teaser component.
Promo Default
Layout style
- Style name: Promo
- CSS Class:
Display style
- None
Effective CSS Classes:
Promo Primary
Layout style
- Style name: Promo
- CSS Class:
Display style
- Style name: Green
- CSS Class:
Effective CSS Classes:
Promo Secondary
Layout style
- Style name: Promo
- CSS Class:
Display style
- Style name: Yellow
- CSS Class:
Effective CSS Classes:
Promo Right-aligned style
The Promo Right-aligned layout style is a variation of the Promo style that style flips the location of the image and text (image on right, text on left).
The right alignment, at its core, is a display style, it could be entered into the AEM Style System as a Display style that is selected in conjunction with the Promo layout style. This violates the best practice of:
Only expose style combinations that have an effect
…which was already violated in the Default style.
Since the right alignment only affects the Promo layout style, and not the other 2 layout styles: default and hero, we can create a new layout style Promo (Right-aligned) that includes the CSS class that right-aligns the Promo layout styles content: cmp -teaser--alternate
This combination of multiple styles into a single Style entry can also help reduces the number of available styles and style permutations, which is best to minimize.
Notice the name of the CSS class, cmp-teaser--alternate
, does not have to match the author-friendly nomenclature of “right aligned”.
Promo Right-aligned Default
Layout style
- Style name: Promo (Right-aligned)
- CSS Classes:
cmp-teaser--promo cmp-teaser--alternate
Display style
- None
Effective CSS Classes: