Retail Inventory Targeted Activation retail-inventory-targeted-activation

The following use case demonstrates three different images based on the values in your Google Sheet.

Description description

This Use Case showcases the retail inventory stock for three different colored sweatshirts. Depending on the number of sweatshirts available in stock that is recorded in Google Sheets, the image (red, green, or blue sweatshirt) with highest number is displayed on the screen.

For this Use Case, the Red, Green, or Blue sweater displays on your screen based on the highest value of number of sweaters that is available.

Preconditions preconditions

Before you start implementing the retail inventory targeting activation, learn how to set up Data Store, Audience Segmentation and Enable Targeting for Channels in an AEM Screens Project.

See Configuring ContextHub in AEM Screens for detailed information.

Basic Flow basic-flow

Follow the steps below to implement the Retail Inventory Activation use case:

  1. Populating the Google Sheets

    1. Navigate to the ContextHubDemo Google Sheet.
    2. Add three columns (Red, Green, and Blue) with corresponding values for three different sweatshirts.


  2. Configuring the Audiences as per the requirements

    1. Navigate to the segments in your audience (See Step 2: Setting up Audience Segmentation in Configuring ContextHub in AEM Screens page for more details).

    2. Add three new segments For_Red, For_Green, and For_Blue.

    3. Select For_Red and select Edit from the action bar.

    4. Drag-and-drop the Comparison : Property - Property to the editor.

    5. Select the Configuration icon.

    6. Select googlesheets/value/1/2 from the drop-down in First Property name.

    7. Select the Operator as greater-than from the drop-down menu.

    8. Select Data Type as number.

    9. Select googlesheets/value/1/1 from the drop-down in Second Property name.

    10. Drag-and-drop another Comparison : Property - Property to the editor and select the Configuration icon.

    11. Select googlesheets/value/1/2 from the drop-down in First Property name.

    12. Select the Operator as greater-than from the drop-down menu.

    13. Select Data Type as number.

    14. Select googlesheets/value/1/0 from the drop-down in Second Property name.


    Similarly, edit and add comparison property rules to For_Blue segment as shown in the figure below:


    Similarly, edit and add comparison property rules to For_Green segment as shown in the figure below:


    note note
    Notice that for segments For_Green and For_Green, data cannot be resolved in the editor as only the first comparison is valid as of now as per the values in the Google Sheet.
  3. Navigate and select your DataDrivenRetail channel (a sequence channel).

  4. Select Edit from the action bar.


    note caution
    You should have set up your ContextHub Configurations using the channel Properties > Personalization tab.


    note note
    Select both the Brand and the Area for the activities to be properly listed when you start the Targeting process.
  5. Adding a default image

    1. Add a default image to your channel and select Targeting.
    2. Select Brand and the Activity from the drop-down menu and select Start Targeting.
    3. Select Start Targeting.


    note note
    Before you start targeting, add the segments (For_Green, For_Red, and For_Blue) by selecting + Add Experience Targeting from the side rail as shown in the figure below.


  6. Add the images to all the three different scenarios as shown below.


  7. Checking the Preview

    1. Select Preview. Also, open your Google Sheet and update its value.
    2. Change the value for all three different columns. Notice the display image updates as per the highest value in inventory.

